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"WHAT WHERE MOVING" screamed Sophie.

"yes" said mom

"but....but why??!!"

"because of your dad's job now go get packing"


I went upstairs so mad I can't leave my friends behind here in America. My older brother Jack and my little brother Ben are actually happy I don't know why!

Enough with that let me tell you about me and my family. I have five people in my family. I have my dad David my mom Linda My older bro Jack he is 18 me Sophie I'm 16 and my little bro Ben he is 9 Oh I forgot my dog her name is Lilly she is 1 years old only a puppy.

Right back about moving!

I started packing and I couldn't stop thinking about why we were moving. I know my mom because of my dad's job but she could be lieing.

My mom called me down for dinner. I was the last one down. My mom doesn't let anyone start eating until the whole family is down. I think everyone was hungry because they said "Finally your down can we start eating now please?"

My mom made my fav dinner spaghetti,garlic bread and for dessert she made brownie with ice-cream


Everyone wolfed down there food it was delics. After dinner I went back upstairs to my room. I finished my homework and thought is moving that bad........WAIT...........
Yes moving is that bad I'll never see my friends again! I went downstairs to my mom.

"mom when are we leaving and where are we going?"I said

"I think we are leaving this week or next week."said mom

"what! This week"

"  I said this week or next week"


" it's plenty of time"

" ok ok where are we moving to?"

" I think we're moving to France"

" oh will we come back to visit?"

" off course we will maybe even we might come back to live here!"

" oh ok "

I wanted to cry but on the other hand France for some reason I've always wanted to try the snail thingy ha ha ok maybe i'm over reacting just a little but JUST A LITTLE!

So I went back upstairs still a bit sad I packed my school bag and started packing my suitcase again I started thinking about the good things about moving here's my list

1: I won't see the meanest girl alive in my school McKenzie Simpson.

2: I won't see my stupid ex boy friend Matt  that cheated on me with McKenzie I hate him so much.

3: no more super boring maths I hate maths!!

4. Etc

I can't think anymore I'll get a headache ok I know don't laugh I really will I got tired so I  layed on my bed and slowly drifted off to sleep


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