Telling people

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I got up the next morning and tried to get  myself out of bed. After a good 5 minutes stretching I finally got out of bed. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I got some clothes which was navy blue jeggings a light blue top a white cardigan and I  wore some boots and curled my hair.

I went downstairs and I was greeted my mother and she made my fav breakfast french toast. I love French toast! After I finished my french toast I went upstairs and brushed my teeth again. It was time to go to school so I got my bag and headed out the door. Today I decided to walk.

I got to school and met up with my friends Jane and Alex. I wasn't the happiest to see them because I was going to tell them about the whole moving thing.

"hey girl" Alex cheerfully said

" oh hey guys" I sadly said

"what's the matter sugar plum" Jane said

Jane treats me like her daughter sometimes it good but sometimes not good and Alex always cheery maybe cause she's a cheerleader maybe that's why hee hee sometimes it can get a bit annoying but I love my friends. When Jane sayed that I wanted to cry!

"I'm moving away to France !!!!!!!" I cried

"WHAT!!!!" they both screamed at the same time

"But you can't leave we have all been friends since we were like two!!" cried Alex

"I know but I don't really have a choice!" I cried

I was officially crying now great I should have put on the waterproof mascara instead of the normal one smudes all over your face. Dang it!!!!

The bell rang and at this point we were all crying:( and I am going to cry even more my first class is MATHS. I HATE MATHS!! I got in class and sat in a random seat at the corner of my eye I saw Matt and McKenzie making out I wanted to barf I hate them so much!!!

My teacher came in and greeted us and told Matt and McKenzie to stop "doing what there doing" in class it was funny. After class was finished I went to my next class it was English I like English well sometimes this is my list of things we do in school

1. Class

2. Class


3. Class

4. Class.


5. Class

6. Class


My fav things we do in school are lunch, art or p.e, going on trips and going home. That's pretty much it. The bell rang and it was time to go home. YAY!

Today I was walking home with Alex. Jane never really comes over because she does after school stuff like school clubs. That sort of stuff.

We were in my drive way when I saw a car come in I never saw that car ever so it was probably just one of mom's or one of dad's friends. Anyway I came in and practically yelled im home. I got a snack for Alex and I the snack was ice-cream of coarse I LOVE ICE-CREAM and so does Alex.

I ran upstairs and Alex followed we ate our ice-cream and watched the movie Maze Runner after that Alex had to go to cheerleading practice so she left and I started my homework nothing too hard just some science, English, boring maths and some French thats like one quarter of homework we get each day so we basically get every subject for homework that's a lot of homework.

I finished my homework and just layed on my bed. I got a txt so I looked at it and it was a unknown number and it said

(unknown number)- you may think everyone is sad that your moving but no one is everyone is so happy even your friends or as I like to call them dorks.

(me)- excuse me who do you think you are saying that.

(unknown number)- Oh like u don't ugg

(me)- are u McKenzie?

(unknown number)- I can't do this im really sorry it's Matt

(me)- what do u want matt?

(matt)- McKenzie told me to do this but I can't I love u plz take me back.

(me)- no way u broke my heart I thought u were the love of my life clearly not:'(

(Matt)- im really sorry I can't date McKenzie any longer I love u that's why I broke up with her

(me)- u broke up with her for me?

(Matt)- yes that's how much I love u will u take me back plz!!!!!!!!!

(me)- ummm I'll think about it

(Matt) thank u so much if u day yes I will be the happiest man alive

(me)- ok ok it's getting late I should go and remember im still thinking and goodnight

(Matt)- ok goodnight sweetie

(me)- don't u tell any one that we're dating I won't take u back got it

( Matt)- I won't ok goodnight

(me)- goodnight

I don't know if I should take matt back or not. I gotta go to bed.


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