Chapter 3:Harry Is Not Leaving

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Harry's P.O.V.:

Turns out I can't leave,and they forced my mom to leave.But,she didn't want to leave,so the security men took her out.How rude!I tried to escape a million times,but it didn't work.10 miuntes after trying to escape, they saw me texting on my phone, and the receptionist took it, saying "I'm sorry Harry,but this adoption center strictly prohibits the kids using electronics during there time here.You can have your phone back when you are adopted.Until then,you can't have your phone."

"Ok."I sighed.If I didn't have my phone,I didn't know how I would survive a day in this nut house.Then again,my phone would have died eventually,and then I would be stuck either way.Then,she left,with my phone.About 3 days later (still without my phone),my mom came in,and forced them to let me go home with her,but that didn't work.Then,she asked them if I could just leave for the day.

They receptionist said "I'm sorry Mrs.Styles,but Harry can't leave,no matter what,and that is final.Now,you must leave before I call the cops."My mom,who didn't want the cops to come,ran out crying,because she would never get me back.I actually started to cry too,because I would never see my mom again.

I tried to escape one more time (like it would help) and the receptionist saw me leaving (like usual) and she said "Security!" and like usual,and the security carried (yes,carried) me back to the adoption room and before they put me back in there they said to me

"Harry,I know you want to leave,but you can't until maybe tomorrow,because a family is coming in to (hopefully) adopt you tomorrow so we can stop dealing with you."

I really hope that the family that is supposed to come tomorrow comes because I need to get out of here,no matter what.HELP!

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