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John took the tiny carton of cigarettes from the shelf and quietly inspected them. Usually, she wouldn't be caught dead with such things in her pocket, but, she thought, Why the hell not? Live a little, Watson. You're going to die soon anyway.

She almost laughed out loud at the thought. She should've been getting her meds and going to her doctor's appointments, but, instead, she was at a pharmacy, contemplating whether to kill herself quicker by obtaining lung cancer.

"If you're getting cigarettes, I wouldn't recommend those."

John's head flipped up, and her eyes met swirling green ones. "Huh?"

The woman sighed, "That brand is--to put it mildly--bad."

"Oh, uh."  John's fingers trembled as she attempted to place the cream carton back on the shelf.

"You might enjoy these, if you're just beginning the habit." The woman plucked a much more expensive brand from the very top of the shelf and playfully threw it at John.

"...How'd you know I was just beginning to smoke?"

The woman hummed low in her throat, and John watched her pale neck as she swallowed.

"I observe."

John cocked an eyebrow. "Observe?"

"I watch your movements, your mannerisms."

"Oh." John flipped the carton around in her palm, a heavy weight settling into her stomach as she did so.

"Do you have a car?" The woman asked, green eyes staring into John's blue ones.


"Could you give me a ride somewhere?"

And John nodded.

Sometimes she looked back at that moment and got the urge to slap herself. That had been the first mistake in being pulled in by Sherlock Holmes.

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