Four: Social

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It's Wednesday, four days since the day of the auction, four days after I met Marko DiMaggio and ran out of his apartment like a scared little girl, and four days since I've been avoiding him like the plague. Seeing as I never saw him on campus before, it's been quite easy not to run into him.

I'm currently sitting at my favorite cafe on campus after spending an hour and a half in the most boring lecture of all time, which automatically put me in a shitty mood. To top it all off, I barely got any sleep last night because some idiot on the floor above my apartment decided that it would be a good idea to throw a party on a weekday.

I thought having my weekly dose of hot chocolate and chocolate muffin would lift my spirits, but seeing as today is my lucky day (not), the cafe ran out of chocolate muffins.

I sat down in my usual seat at the cafe and began to take out my books and notes to study for my upcoming exams. I didn't think my day could get any worse, and then I saw a too familiar person walking through the door. My four day avoidance streak is now over. You guessed it. It's Marko. I tried to hide my face behind my textbook, but it was too late. Marko walked right up to my table and sat in the chair across from me. 

"We have to talk." He said sternly, which almost made me laugh in his face.

"Wow, that sounds serious. I'm scared." I answered sarcastically just to be annoying.

"It is serious! We have a serious problem here!" I didn't know he could be so dramatic, but I decided to follow is lead in an attempt to brighten my mood. Irritating him should do the trick.

"And by 'we' I assume you mean you, right?"

"Okay, what's your problem?" I asked.

"Well, yesterday I was chilling, laying on the couch trying to watch TV when I found myself wondering what you were doing, since you did run off on me the other day. I don't know where you live, so I couldn't exactly go check up on you" Check up on me? I just met this guy."and you don't have any accounts on social media—"

"You looked for me on the Internet?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, you left me no choice. So you see, I realized then that it's crucial that you give me your number."

I finally let out the laugh I was holding in. "It's crucial? Really?"

"Yes! I told you this is serious" he said as I continued to laugh  "you can't be torturing me like this." He actually looked cute being all irritated. Oh god, I can't believe I just thought that.

"I'm sorry father. That was never my intention" I told him mockingly. "Seriously not even my parents care about what I do."

"Well I'm not them, so give me your number." He demanded.

"No." I replied firmly.

"Stop being so stubborn."

"I'm not being stubborn. I'm being logical. I see nothing in it for me. What will I gain by giving you my number?  Nothing. The most I would get out of it is being annoyed further by you and that's not a good enough incentive." I shrugged.

"You're being so difficult! Ugh, I have to get to class." He started walking away but not before he turned his head and added, "this isn't over." He is so dramatic.

I didn't know what he meant by that last part, but I smiled anyway because I felt like I was finally irritating him enough to steer him away from me.

This day isn't so bad after all.

Soon it would be as if Marko DiMaggio was never in my life.
I was happily laying on my bed, listening to music, eating hot cheetos, and reflecting on the productive day that I had when my cellphone vibrated on my night stand.

I grabbed my phone and saw that I had a new text message from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey, Ella. Whatcha doin'?

Me: Who is this?

Unknown: I'm your future husband.

What a great joke. If I had to guess, I would say that this was Marko. And if I had to guess how he got my number, I would guess that Jay had something to do with it.

Me: You can't be because I'm already married.

I decided to play along with his absurd statements.

Unknown: Lair.

Me: Like you.

This conversation seemed stupid but I was suddenly having fun with it.

Unknown: You don't know me.

He responded almost instantly.

Me: I might not know you, but I know who you are, Marko.

Marko: How did you know it was me?"

Me: You're the only person who has been after my phone number lately. Honestly, it wasn't too difficult to figure out.

Marko: That's actually shocking to hear.

Me: Why?

Marko: Because you're beautiful. I'd think that there would be more guys chasing after you.

Me: I'm not very approachable. How did you get my number?

Marko: I got it off of Jay's phone. I was surprised that he didn't have a password.

Me: He's an idiot.

Marko: He's an idiot that I'm thankful for because without him, I probably wouldn't be texting with you right now.

Me: Is there a reason why you're texting me?

As much as I enjoyed playing along with his shenanigans earlier, I'm ready for this conversation to be over because I'm enjoying it more than I should.

Marko: Yeah, when are we going on our date?

Me: About that... I don't think my boyfriend would like the idea too much. You understand, right?

I thought he'd finally given up when five minutes passed without a response, but then my phone vibrated again.

Marko: You're close to Jay, aren't you? Because I just asked him, and he knows nothing about a boyfriend.

Me: Jay doesn't know everything about my life!

Marko: I'm not stupid, Ella. I know you don't have a boyfriend. That excuse won't get you out of the date you owe me... the date I bought.

Me: Fine. I don't have a boyfriend, but that's because I'm a lesbian.

Marko: All right. That's cool.

Ten minutes later after thinking he will drop the subject.

Marko: I still want my date. Are you going to the bonfire tomorrow?

Tomorrow SU and BU are getting together for a bonfire at the beach.
SU hosts a lot of events throughout the year, and I have to say that the annual bonfire if one of my favorites.
The bonfire is a time for all of the new members from both organizations to get to know each other.

Me: Of course. I can't miss the free s'mores. And I love the beach.

Marko: You're funny. I'll see you tomorrow. Good night, Elle.

I didn't reply after his last text.

I placed my phone on my night stand and closed my eyes. I felt the sides of my lips twitching upward.

It did feel like a good night.

I'm sort of looking forward to tomorrow. With that last thought in mind, I fell into a peaceful sleep.

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