Dos: Auction

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Beck and I walked to our college campus, which was about half a mile away from our apartment, where the auction would be held in one of the theaters. 

It was always tradition that thirty minutes before the auction the guys from BU and the girls from SU would mingle and get to know each other, so that the auction won't be too awkward.

Having been in SU last year and participating in plenty of events with the male version of SU, I knew a couple of the guys who were attending the auction. In fact, I'd become good friends with most of the guys, but that's mostly due to the fact that Beck is my best friend.

With fifteen minutes left until the start of the auction, Beck and I finally entered the theatre. There were about thirty guys in BU and thirty girls in SU, and everyone was already chatting, drinking, and nibbling on snacks.

I decided to get a drink before the auction started because I was a bit out of breath from power walking to the theatre.

I was grabbing a water bottle when someone stood behind me covering my eyes with their hands. I immediately knew who it was.

"Jay, get your dirty hands off my face." I said turning around to face the guy who bid on me last year. He smiled. "Well, hello to you to. My hands are clean, by the way."

"Yeah right. I don't know where your hands have been. For all I know you probably had your hands down some girls pants before coming over here." The probability of what I just said being true is very high, seeing as Jay is hot and popular among his own organization. I can admit that much. I think every girl here   wants to be bought by him, which led me to ask, "hey, who are you bidding on?"

"Not you, if that's why you're asking. I  won't allow you to reject me again," he said faking a frown. I smiled. "I did you a favor last year. Don't forget you had a great date with  Jenna using the movie tickets you bought from me."

"I know. I did get lucky that night," he told me with a smirk on his face.

"Seriously, is that all you ever want?"

"Don't judge me. I'm a guy, okay? I have needs."

"So do I, and you don't see me going around fucking everyone."

"That's your choice. Besides, this is college. It's our time to explore and taste what's out there without being committed because chances are we'll never see any of these people again. You should join the bandwagon and have fun while you're here."

"That's exactly why I don't put myself out there. I don't want to get hurt. I actually have feeling, you know? After all, I am a girl. And girls get easily attached. We have expectations. I can't just go out on dates, get laid, and never see a guy again. I'd feel like a slut. I have way more self respect than that. That's why I avoid any activity that might lead to a relationship. And because, like you said, I don't want to get attached and never see the person again after we graduate, which leads me to my next point... Will you bid on me   so that we can do what we did last year?" I asked him putting in my best puppy dog look.

"To do what we did year, which was absolutely nothing? No thanks, Ellie."

"Jay, please?" I pleaded.

"No, I have my eyes on someone this year, and before you ask, I'm not telling you who it is."

"Fine. Be that way." I said folding my arms across my chest like an immature little girl.

"Don't worry, Ellie. I wouldn't leave you to fend for yourself in your time of need. Although I'm sure there are a bunch of hormonal guys here  who have their eye on you, I took it upon myself to ask my new roommate for a favor. I told him your situation and he's down for coming and buying those fair tickets from you without expecting a date."

"Really?" I asked dubiously. This sounded to good to be true. "Where is this guy then? And why would he do this without expecting anything in return? What's in it for him?"

"Uh, he's actually not here yet. But don't worry about it. He's a good guy. Besides, he already likes some other girl."

"Is he in Brothers United? Have I met him before?"

"Nah, he's barely joining this year. I think."

"Okay. Well, thanks, I guess." I told him, still skeptical about being bought by a stranger who's doing me a favor.

"Anyti-" Jay was cut off my the president of SU talking through the microphone asking all girls that are participating in the auction to report to the stage.

"It's show time. See you later, Jay," I said walking away from him and to the stage while feeling nervous all over again.

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