Chapter-11 A Real Problem

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Alexa pov

Bella has a vampire chasing her because she is made that Edward killed her mate and so now she wants to kill Bella. Luckily the pack had a meeting this morning and aggred to fight a newborn vampire army to protect her. Bella and I both have to be taken to the top of a mountain to be kept safe because the sent was in both of our rooms. Charlie and his friend from the station are going fishing while this battle is taking place so he doesn't get hurt.

I just wish that I could find a way to talk to Seth alone again. I think he believes me, but he others are going to take some convincing.

Just then theres a knock on my door

"Come in." I say

It's Bella

"I need to talk to you about the battle and how things are going to go with the newborns."

"Ok, how are we going to help fight?" I say getting excited

"We're not! You Edward, Seth and I are going to stay at the top of a mountain and hear what's happening through Seth's link."

"What!? I'm not just going to sit back and do nothing! I need to find a way to help!" I screamed good thing Charlie left an hour ago for the fishing trip we bought him

"Calm down we are going to help, we are going to put our blood on trees to lead the vampires away from us then be carried by Seth and Jacob up the mountain." Bella said

"Ok I guess that's kinda going to help." I said in a not so sure tone

"Thanks for understanding." Bella said walking out. She turned as she got to my door and said 

"Oh, by the way we are going up the night before and sleeping in a tent on the mountain with Edward." And with that she ran out of my room before I could argue with her.

Uggg I hate when she does that

I have better things to do than to try and argue with Bella right now. I can't forget about talking to Seth and now I have to do it before the battle. 


The next day

It was about 12:00 and I was waiting for Seth in, get this the same restaurant that Edward took Bella to on their first date. I decided to have Seth meet me outside of Forks in Port Angles to try and keep from anyone in the pack finding out. Neither one of us wanted a repeat of what happened last time. Plus if they did find is they wouldn't make a scene in front of mortals.

"Hey, Alexa it's great that you thought of this." Seth whispered 

"Ya I wanted to keep talking to you and Sam would have no way of finding out." I said

"So what do want to know about me?" I asked Seth

"Well I was wondering why it took you four years to find René and where you have been between birth and now." Seth said 

"Well when we were born you were first and I was second. There were only two nurses one took you out of the room and the other hid me away in another part of the hospital with the help of a doctor that had been recently fired. I was taken to Florida and cared for by the nurse who was unable to have children until I was four. Unfortuneltly she and the doctor who I had known as my father died in a plane crash. After that I was sent to a foster home where I was teased and treated badly by my foster parents and other siblings. On my tenth birthday I had a strange dream and ran away without looking back. It took some time to find someone close to Forks without going straight there with no reason at such a young age. That was when I was begging for money and cam across René who was with Phill in Florida for a game. She soon wanted me as a daughter and I wrote up some fake papers and got her to "adopt me" and she took me home. When I pointed out that I don't like to travel much she decided to sent me to Forks and the rest, well you know."

Seth sat with his mouth wide open looking at me with an amazed look in his eye.

"I would have never been able to do all of that at that age or now." He said

"It was hard but I learned to live on my own." I said

"Now let's order because I don't know about you, but I am starving!" I said with a laugh

I can't believe that I am finally able to talk with my brother after all of these years. It feels good knowing I have my brother to count on. 

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