I just got motivation to do this (in reality: I just wanted to be stupid).
You know what? I jsut now realized that this resembles a... I don't know... It just not my thoughts.
I really do enjoy doing this on my Ipad rather then My laptop. >~< What can I do.
Well beside the point (there was no point to begin with (if you can find one please tell me)) I felt like daoing this for once in my life. Also I'm writing a short story, I started it on April forth don't know when I'll be done thought, so hang tight.
Well Its almost time for our third report card :( Kill me know. I'm sitting at a c in math, I really do hate math. All my other marks I think are sitting above c+ So that's good. No honor roll, maybe power list. (For those who don't know what that is. Honor roll: Un-limited A and B and one C+. Power list: Un-limited Good and Excellent work habits, I think your alound one sastisfactry.)
Well I wanna go read so.. ya... bye. I'll wright more tomorow.
April 30
Special guest, Kaia!!!!
Hannah: Why the hell am I doing this -__-?????
Kaia: You tell me.
H- It took you that long to wright that! Right more next time. I'm so dissaponted in you.
K- you spelled disapointed wrong. And yes, I am a slow typer. We are right beside each other and we are doing this to talk. I feel like a typical teenager. For once. It's a weird feeling. I don't even have a ipod. By the way, I am eating your chocolate chips.You might want to steal more.:)
H- I know your stealing my chocolat chips that I stole from the pantry. And I don't give a crap about spelling. I'm corrupting you Ah ha!
K- I didn't think you cared about spelling, it was just something to say to annoy you. And there are only three chocolate chips left, and you may not want more, but I DO! REALLY BAD!!! :) Anyway, what should we talk about?
H- hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha NO! I don't feel like it.
K- U mean! Depriving me of chocolate chips like that! That is child abuse! And you didn't answer my question. What should we talk about?
H- You asked that!? I didn't even realize. Well we can't anymore. that concludes our special today. Good day.
K- Bye bye!