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I just took this picture randomly off the internet if this is yours I'm so sorry I hope you don't mind me using it. Also I know I'm using my own name but I'm not talking about my own childhood I just made it up for the character. -Elizabeth
Hi my name's Elizabeth I'm 20 years old I have black hair with blue bangs and I have blue eyes (see above) and I live in a small apartment with my best friend Emma. I love listening to music and reading. My favorite band is Marianas Trench. I also play piano, guitar, and I sing but I'm horrible at all of them.
          I had a pretty rough childhood, I mean not as hard as some people have it but it still left me with some scars and not just mental ones.
          When I was 8 my mom and dad got divorced and me, my mom, and my brother moved to a new house. I still got to see my dad on Wednesdays and every other weekend. Everything was okay for a while but then when I was 12 I went into 7th grade and I started to get bullied for how I looked and the things that I liked. All of the friends that I thought cared about me started to ignore me and only talked to me when they needed to talk about their own problems and they never asked me about how I was doing. And I was depressed I didn't know at the time how depressed I was until I turned 13 and went into 8th grade and that's when my mom started to become verbally abusive towards me but she was never as bad as my brother.
           He would always call me stupid, worthless and ungrateful. My friends continued to ignore me, I kept getting bullied, and my brother and my mom continued to verbally abuse me that's when I started self harming and thinking about suicide I also became Anorexic but later realized people started to take notice that I wasn't eating so I turned to Bulimia I never really got over it and I still starve and purge myself to this day though no one knows about it.
            In 9th grade I made my first attempt on ending my life and sadly it didn't work, but I did end up in the hospital. My family never tried to help me they only ignored me and yelled at me more. Throughout all of high school I made 6 attempts on my life and I eventually lost all of my "friends" because they thought I was just looking for attention. I wasn't.
            In 12th grade I made my first true friend in a very long time her name is Emma and we're still friends today. She's the only one I've ever trusted enough to tell about my depression and self harm. The first time she saw my cuts she made me promise to never do it again and I told her I would even though I never stopped, it's my only escape from all the pain. The only thing she doesn't know about is my Anorexia and my Bulimia. I don't plan on her finding out either.
            After we graduated high school we decided to move out together and got an apartment far away from my parents. I got a job in a small coffee shop to help pay rent.
            So I guess that's where I am now living with my friend Emma in a small apartment. That's about it my life's pretty boring so I guess I'll go now, bye.
Hey guys I hope you liked the first part please tell me what you thought in the comments -Elizabeth

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