Dying of the feels over and over again during the Harry Potter Marathons- for hours at a time!! When the marathon is on, I don't eat or sleep very much- I dedicate my entire weekend to it!!
IT IS NEVILLE'S BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you could write a paragraph (7 sentences ish) to Neville for his birthday, what would it be?
Mine would be:
Happy Birthday Neville!!! 🎉
You taught me that it's okay not to be top of your class or remember everything as long as you have a whole lotta of heart and loyalty. And that's exactly what you have. Your speech in DH is one of the best parts of the movie- it is so moving and shows how you've grown up. You are so strong snd brave and are willing to fight for what's right. Your mom and dad would be proud. You helped the Golden Trio and the wizarding world (and technically the entire world) and you are a fantastic part of the Silver Trio. You make me happy :) I love you so much Neville ❤️
You know your a Potterhead when...
RandomThe name pretty much speaks for itself... Things that as Potterheads we do, and we know we are a Potterhead when we do them! This story is very funny and relatable,yet always ends up giving readers the feels! Please try reading a few chapters... I...