Henrietta, Red, and Gretta

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In the hidden garden, along with Socko and Paco, were the three hens: Henrietta, Red, and Gretta. Despite what Socko and all roosters like to think, roosters don't rule the world. All hens know this. Roosters are too prideful and cocky to see the world as it is. Henrietta, Red, and Gretta controlled Socko through subtle manipulations of his extra buoyant ego. They did this mostly with sarcastic laughter as they cluck clucked his best crowing or clack clacked indignantly if he overstepped his boundaries and took more than his share of quality food. Thus Henrietta, Red, and Gretta probably came closer to ruling the world than Socko, but hens don't think in such terms, and were satisfied gossiping all day long and allowing Socko his fantasy of power. As for Paco, Henrietta, Red, and Gretta were deeply wary of him and although they appreciated the quality food he brought to the Watering Hole Where Old Drinking Buddies Unwind, they suspected him of stealing their eggs when they were not looking. They also did not like the shifty-eyed way he looked at them when food was short.

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