Dream Date with Luke

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a/n: I literally haven't posted since 2012 but people are still reading my stories???????? So thanks for that and 55.1k reads wow. Welp here's a 2015 Luke imagine I wrote a little while ago for my friend Paige. I'm gonna change her name to Y/N, so I hope you guys like it? Anyone that reads it?? FYI Y/N/N means your nickname x

I woke up this morning to a spam of texts on my phone from my favorite person in this world. Not a bad way to start the day if I do say so myself. It was texts from Luke telling me to FaceTime him, and he said it was urgent.

"Okay Luke what did you want that was so urgent?" I said into my phone as his face came on the screen.

"I just missed you a ton Y/N/N, I wanted to see your stupid face," he said scrunching up his face.

Giving him the finger I said," wow thanks Lucas, how kind," but you couldn't help but smile at how much of a dork he is.

As we finished talking he told me he had a date planned for us that day and told me to get ready because he'd pick me up in a few hours. I decided to jump in the shower real quick before I got dressed.

After I showered I looked through my closet but I had no idea what to wear. I finally decided on a pair of black jeans, my Vans, and a grey tank top. I looked quite nice and to top it off I did my usual mascara and filled in my brows. I looked in the mirror before I grabbed my purse, phone, and some extra cash just in case.

I heard the doorbell ring just as I finished brushing my teeth so I jogged over to see Luke standing there in all black with his maroon SnapBack looking as gorgeous as ever with a bit of stubble. He leaned in and kissed my cheek and then he walked me to his car and opened my door.

"And they say chivalry is dead," I said and we both giggled as he got into the drivers side and started up the car. As we drove I fidgeted with the radio and finally landed on the alternative station that was playing a The 1975 song. Other than my occasional humming with the song, Luke and I continued on in a peaceful silence just taking in each other's company since it'd been a while from the last time we saw each other.

We pulled into the parking lot of one of my favorite coffee shops and Luke and I got out of the car and made our way inside. He ordered us our usual coffees and we sat at a table in the corner where there weren't many people. We talked and laughed for about an hour sipping coffee and telling each other funny stories about what had happened while Luke was on tour. After a little while longer we went back to the car and Luke said there was one more part to our date, I was so excited to be spending time with Luke again I didn't even care what was next. But to my surprise that little shit brought me to the one place I loved more than anything else, my favorite art museum. We walked in the door and immediately I was taken back at the beauty of the exhibit. No matter how many times I came here the art always amazed me. I grabbed Luke's hand and pulled him towards the first wall of art. I turned to Luke to see him smiling down at me making me smile in return.

"Don't look at me silly, look at the art!"

"In my world, you are the art, babe," he said as he leaned down and kissed me.

We continued walking through the museum talking about the art and future plans together until we saw everything and decided to leave. We got in the car and started the journey back to my house, but Luke made sure to take the long way home so we could be together a bit longer. The radio played in the back as we both sang the lyrics to our favorite songs and enjoyed the few minutes we had left as he turned onto my street. We both got out of the car and he walked me to my door holding my hand.

"I really hope you enjoyed our date, it was so nice to see you again."

"I had an amazing time Lukey, thank you so much for taking me out, we should have another date soon," I smiled.

"I'd really like that Y/N, how about a movie night at mine on Friday?"

"That sounds great, babe"

"I love you, good night," he said as he kissed me good night.

"I love you too Luke."

So that sucks bc I haven't written in a long time but yeah if you liked it comment or vote or any of that shit, and thanks again xx also sorry for terrible grammar/spelling, I gave up, I promise I'm not illiterate.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2015 ⏰

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