Step 5 - That "Break"

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At a certain point in time, you get so fed up with the fandom that you quit, or you're just tired of fangirling or something. It's like this depression washes over you. Then you post on Instagram about how angry you are or how you're going to delete the account / give it away and everyone's all like "Nooo don't do it! I love this account!"

Then there's my followers.

But anyways, guess what?! You end up lying to yourself, you still love 1D and you never let another artist or some dumb preppy person from your school get in the way of that! Because that's your LIFE being thrown away if you ditch your boy band. Like really, you probably just spent about 2 years or so obsessing over them. And you probably didn't have a social life during that time besides Omegle chats about One Direction. So your "break" ends up being anywhere from 5 minutes to a week...

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