An emotion.

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I showed you what I'd written..

How it made you feel I can only wonder...

But what I do seem to remember from the moment sitting in the dark hall, with the clouds gently covering the sky when I showed you my feelings, is the way you took hold of me.

It was sudden. Not rushed or forced, though. Definitely not that..

My iPod was in your hand, I watched your expression as you read the last line of my forever rambling and musing of feelings.

Your mind stopped on the last syllable, what possessed you for that moment who knows... But there was an angst in the way you kissed me this time.

Maybe it had to do with what I'd written about my scars?

That mixed with the other things I'd strewn about in sentences and paragraphs.. I don't know.

I don't think I'll really ever know..

The urgency in the way you suddenly cast aside my iPod, and within a millisecond the hand that held my writings was now holding my leg. And the other hand on my back, bringing me closer to you.

God I over think things... Or perhaps I don't think them through enough..

This was nothing more then an act of being sweet. Or maybe it was more..

Fuck my mind is going in circles with this.

I'm over analyzing everything. Why do I do this? Perhaps I've grown fond to the argumentative sides in my head...

Either way, these thoughts were burning my brain and I needed to let them escape.

xx Venom

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