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"What are you doing sweety?" my mom asked, stepping inside my room with a sandwich on a plate which i'm guessing is my dinner.

"just on twitter ma', the usual" i kept scrolling through my timeline, silently praying no one would retweet porn on it. i heard her sigh lightly and walk over to me, setting the sandwich next to my keyboard.

"honey, just be careful with who you talk to on there okay? for all you know you could be chatting with a 40 year old sex-crazed psycho" i giggled a little bit but silenced myself when i saw my mom's serious look.

"yeah mom i know, don't worry i'll be okay" i smiled reassuringly at her and she smiled back. "alright then i guess this is my queue to leave and let you be so please finish your dinner and sleep at a reasonable hour okay? even if it's saturday i don't want you to be sleeping in" i only nodded and with that she left my room, leaving me to gather all my thoughts. my mom always worried about me when it came to social media but it was all okay i guess. i had a fan account that was for almost anything really: tyler oakley, other youtubers, the jurassic park franchise, blink-182. you name it i probably stan it.

i had made really good friendships online, thanks to twitter mostly. i had my best friend chantelle from scotland who i talked to everyday no matter what and skyped various times a week; i also had christian from new jersey. i wasn't so close to christian as i was with chantelle but i still talked to him often. lastly i had luke, my first internet friend ever. we met from a groupchat someone made and added only fan accounts of an anime we watched so we got along pretty well and i still am very close to him.

i always wish i had internet friends that lived closer to me and little did i know that i would get the total opposite

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