Chapter Eight

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With the whisk of his warm breath tickling my ear, he was gone. I didn't know what it was supposed to mean when he said "no one", but in all honestly, I think he was just trying to mess around with me, make me feel scared or something.

I just didn't buy it.

I decided to drive back home - probably face my father and all of his work problems from the day - but I decided to take a detour into a small neighbor hood that I had remembered Niall turned down in after we met.

Now this neighborhood was probably the poorest neighborhood in Portland. It was filled with trash everywhere, the houses (well, shacks really) had roofs falling into and the road was just gravel.

I didn't understand how such a heigh maintenance looking guy like Niall himself was in such a run down neighborhood like the one I'm in now. But hey, I guess you can't really judge a book by its cover.

As I was about to turn down out of the neighborhood, I saw the same grey hoodie and blue jeans walking along the street. I quickly - out of any though or judgment - stopped the car and got out.

"Niall!" I ran towards the moving figure. "Niall!"

Once I reached him, I grabbed his shoulder and turned him to face me.. But only it wasn't him.

"Get off me missy!" A bearded man with crooked yellow teeth hollered at me.

"Oh, I'm sorry I thought you wer-"

"I don't care what you think!" The man spat in my face. He turned back around and began to walk out of sight while I in the other hand stood completely shocked and what events had just happened.

"Dick!" I shouted toward him.

I quickly regretted my action once I saw the man stop in his tracks. My blood ran cold.

The man turned on his heel and began to charge at me, while I turned and started for my car.

Unfortunately, my speed was as fast as I thought, and the man got to me in no time.

Suddenly, my face pelted into the hard gritted gravel road. He pressed his hand into the back of my hand digging my face into the ground.

"Stop! You'll kill me!" I managed to squeak out.

"That's the point, bitch!" He replied squishing further.

"You're a drunk!! You need help!" I stated.

Suddenly, after my harsh choice of words, I felt a kick into my side, causing me worse pain.

I will obviously be bruised, I thought.

I screamed in agony calling for help... For anyone. He still kicked until I felt I couldn't keep my eyes open.

After what seemed like bruised hours, I felt the kicking stop. My vision wasn't clear but I could hear a fight happening behind me.

"Stay away Rodney!" I recognized the familiar Irish voice.

"Margaret?" I saw 3 blurred Nialls as I stayed put on the gravel.

I didn't remember much after that. All I can remember is Niall carrying me inside of his rather nice trailer he had.

"You're going to be okay Margaret. I got you."

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