Chapter Four

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As the brisk air moved through my hair, I felt content and stable. I had decided to run off to the park again, to just take my mind off things. But, the funny thing was, when I arrived there, I noticed someone sitting on the bench I sat on earlier

And it wasn't just anyone, it was that boy I had met earlier, Niall.

I didn't know if I should approach him or not, I mean we were the only ones in the park.

I decided to go against my drive to go talk to him and walk off. He probably didn't want to talk to me anyways.

As I began to walk off, the damn leaves under my feet left a loud crunch which I know no one couldn't notice, even if you were in a huge city park.

"Margret?" I heard the husky Irish voice call.

"Niall!... How ironic..." I quiver out.

"It is strange isn't it?" He walked up closer, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "What are you doing out so late?"

"I should say the same to you," I countered.

"True, true. But the catch is, I'm most likely older than you huh? And by my judgment you still look like you are in high-school, hmm? And if my calendar isn't lying I'd say tomorrow is a school day."

"Wow, it's surprising how much you already know about me for someone who I just met." I crossed my arms. "Any more surprises?"

"Lets just say I'm very observant. Got nothing else better to do." He chuckled. "But really, why are you out at nearly 10 o'clock?"

"Well, Niall, I'm sorry but I didn't know we were already on this level of friendship so suddenly. You're still practically a stranger... Who knows, you could be a serial killer." I joked.

He laughed quietly. His laugh was so angelic.

What was happening? Why was I feeling this way for someone I barley know? I had never in my life had this kind of attention... it was all so weird. Never anyone who would talk to me voluntarily... especially a boy... especially a boy who looked like him.

"Well how about we do become friends?" He quirked an eyebrow. "Or try to, at least."

"I guess so, but I'm kind of on a tight schedule. I should probably be home before curfew so my doesn't freak out again." I said my words all to quickly and soon regretting each one.

"Again? Did you run away from home or something?"

"You could say it was something like that. I wouldn't necessarily call it 'Running Away'."

"Oh yeah? What would you call it?" We took a seat on the swings.

"I would call it a break from hell." I calmly stated, which earned yet another beautiful laugh from him.

"So its that bad?" He looked over at me after his fits of laughing.

"Bad? It's horrible." I brought the mood down.

"I'm sorry, Margret, I didn't know." He calmed down too.

"It's late, I should head home." I got up from the swing, looking down at Niall who still had his hood over his head just like earlier. He got up at my arise too, and grabbed my hand which completely threw me off guard, in a good way.

"We should do this again." He said just above a whisper.

"Do what? Meet at the city park late at night?" I laughed.

"Something like that." He returned the smile. He started into my eyes, leaving them linger there for a while longer, when suddenly I felt a wicked feeling inside of me. His smile faded, and he shook his head, losing his gaze.

"What?" I ask.

"I feel like I've... I don't know." He stopped.

"No, what?"

Have we... met before?" he asked. I thought about it for a little, but no memory of him came to my head. Before I could answer, he spoke.

"Forget it." He said rather rudely. "Bye Margret." He walked off, leaving me to the cold air once more.

I knew deep down that something didn't feel right. But in that mixture of a deranged feeling for him, something felt sickenly right. And I was terrified to find out what.

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