Chapter Ten

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When I finally got home, It was almost midnight. My dad would be so infuriated with me... But then again, he hasn't called or texted.

As I drove up on the driveway, I noticed my dads car in the driveway in my spot. I rolled my eyes and decided to park out by the curb. I couldn't be mad at him, God knows how mad he'll be at me.

I grabbed my red bag and jacket from the backseat and opened the car door, then locked it. This neighborhood is more safe than Nialls, but it's still smart to think smart. You never know what could happen.

I started to walk up the driveway when I noticed that all the house lights were on. Even my dads. If anything, he should be asleep by now, he has work tomorrow and getting good sleep is his number one priority in everything. "You won't make good grades if you don't sleep at least 9 hours a night Margaret!" He would always remind me. Sure dad, sure.

As I reached the front door, I dug in my purse trying to find the house key when I suddenly heard laughter coming from inside. It couldn't have been my dad, he hasn't laughed since she's been gone. I furrowed my brows trying to think who could be over at this time at night but no one rang a bell. It's impossible for anyone that we know to be over at my house at quarter to one in the morning. This is ridiculous.

I opened up the door determined to find out what was going on inside. As soon as the door creaked - well, more like slammed - open, I saw something I would have never expected. I dropped my purse on the ground along with my keys in shock.

On our fucking family couch was my dad, making out with some slut I had never even seen before. My eyes scanned them in horror as my dad scanned me back with the same expression. He quickly pushed the woman off and rose to his feet in panic.

"Marge, it's not what it-" he started. No. I was not going to let him give me that crap.

"Dad don't give the 'it's not what it looks like' shit excuse! How could you! Mom passed away hardly a year ago and here you are now!" I screamed. The woman my dad was with seemed to be in shock too. A-huh honey, your man candy is widow! I guess dad forgot to mention that when he also forgot to mention that he had a teenage daughter.

"Margaret we're not doing this now." My dad stated through his teeth.

"Oh, sorry I forgot it's slut-makeout hour in the Tease household! Better not disturb your precious time with her," I gestured to the pig on the couch. "then with your own daughter you hardly even acknowledge at all!" I bent down to grab my keys and purse.

My dad was speechless. His eyes began to gloss over. I can't believe how pathetic he is. He shouldn't be the one crying. He started this after all!

My anger swelled my head and reached for the door.

"Where do you think you're going young lady!" My father yelled at me. He couldn't possibly be actually saying this to me now.

"Seriously dad? You have the nerve to ask where I'm going? Did you not care where I was 3 hours ago when you came home from work with this whore?" With my words slicing out of my mouth like daggers and knives, I felt a more painful sting to my cheek as my father slapped me, once more.

I grabbed my cheek in agony and spit in his face. He wiped the spit off his face and started straight into my eyes.

"I hate you." I stated, grabbing for the door knob once more. This time he didn't even care to stop me.

As I made it to my car, I broke down. I can't believe he doesn't even care for me. He defended some psycho over his own child. Unbelievable.

As I was driving out of the neighborhood and onto Hillside Ave, the tears in my eyes made it harder and harder to see. I looked in my rear-view mirror to try to wipe the tears off my face while driving.

In the middle of smudging off some black mascara on my cheek, I heard honks sounding in front of me.

I quickly swiveled off into the side of the road, gasping for air.

I almost got hit by a truck, all because of my stupid father.

I cried even harder now, trying and trying to gasp for air when it felt like it just went through me. I hate my life, I hate everyone and everything about it. I have no one to go to now, no one I can trust. I guess I can just sleep in my car tonight? I mean it is the only option. Who am I kidding. I can't sleep in my fucking car. This is so ridiculous!

After taking deep breaths and calming myself down, I turned back onto the road, and just drove.

While driving along, something inside of me changed.

Without a thought, I turned into Nialls ghetto street and drove all the way up to his trailer.

I have no idea where I'm going with this, but I guess I can just hope for the best.

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