Chapter 2

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"This is why I tell you to steer clear of Hemmings. I swear he's a psychopath." Michael Clifford, Verity's best friend, told her after she had described to him what Luke had been like one day previous. He ran his hand through his dyed black hair. "Anyway, I need to get set up for this morning assembly. I'll see you later." he said before dashing off to prepare the musical equipment for his first ever performance in assembly.

Michael had always had a passion for music and was extremely nervous about his performance in front of his entire year at school.

The hall filled and the assembly passed. The head introduced Michael near the end of the assembly as he came on stage, looking very anxious.

He began strumming the guitar, playing Photograph by Ed Sheeran. His nerves began to fade throughout the performance and, as he finished the song, he was returned with a standing ovation. He managed to pick Verity's face out of the crowd as she waved to him, smiling as she did so.

Michael was overwhelmed with the reaction from his year group and smiled happily, proud of his own performance. The performance had been on his mind for a few weeks now and it was a huge relief for it to all have gone well.

He exited the hall and Verity ran up to him and hugged him around his waist. She squeezed him tightly and whispered "I'm so proud of you." making Michael feel ecstatic.

"Well done Clifford." Michael and Verity heard the all-too-familiar voice of Luke. "That was a great performance. If you don't know, me and Cal are making a band and we want someone of your talents in it."

Verity looked up to Michael, one arm still around his frame. He caught her blue eyes with his own, knowing that he shouldn't accept Luke's offer after all the stories he had heard about him. However, this could be the start of a big break for him. Verity was someone he really wanted to discuss the proposal with because she was his best friend, and her opinion was a huge influence for him.

"I'll think about it."

"Ok. Well, I'll be around the music classrooms all day, so if you decide on what you want to do, that's where you'll find me." Luke left and went up the nearest flight of stairs, leaving Verity and Michael alone together.


"I think you should join the band." Verity said out of the blue, on the walk home from school.

"Really?" Michael replied in shock.

"What is really stopping you? You both have talent."

"But it's Hemmings." Michael paused, turning to face his best friend. "I've been so wary of him for so long. You've heard the stories Verity."

"Yeah, but they're just stories, right?" she asked, trying to reassure both Michael and herself.

"Yeah. Sure." Michael began walking again. "I'll send him a message later."

A/N: Ok! So that's chapter 2. Again, I apologise but the chapters should get longer (Giggity). If you like it give it a vote please ☺️

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