Chapter 25

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A/N: I hope you guys all enjoy this. it means a lot to me that you are all reading this story. I want to dedicate this chapter to my BFF/Sis Glory. She has always believed in my writing and for so long she has been the only one that was ever allowed to read anything i wrote. She was also the one to convice me to publish on Wattpad so thank her if you are really enjoying this story. Thanks again and enjoy :)xx

Chapter 25

Christian's POV

There was music coming from the living room and I recognized the voices right away. It was him. I knew that he wouldn't give up on her and I knew he was here to win her over. I stood by the entry that connected the kitchen to the living room, but I stood far enough so that they wouldn't see me. I stood there and watched as they sang to her handing her roses. I couldn't see the expression on her face to know whether she was happy to see them or not, but by the look on Zayn's face I can tell that she was falling for him. I didn't know whether I should go over and stop them or just stand here and watch.

I tried to move, but something was holding me back. I wanted to tell them to stop because she was mine, but the knot in my throat was keeping me from speaking. My heart was nervously beating telling me that I was losing her. I could tell I was losing her and I was standing here like a coward. Why couldn't I move? Stop. I love her.

The words were there in my head but they wouldn't come out. My knees started to shake as he song was coming to and end. I could see the way Zayn was looking at her. There was love and passion in his eyes and the rage was building up inside of me. The words building up in my mouth. I wanted to say something.

I saw him as he moved closed to her. I could see her shoulders moving up and down as her breathing started to increase. Why couldn't I make her feel that way? When the song was over they all stood there in silence for a couple seconds waiting for her reaction. Please. Just slap him. Turn away. Tell him you don't want him. I saw as her arms rose in the air and I hoped she would throw the roses in his face, but then her arms were around his neck the roses gently hitting the top of his head. She rose to her tip toes and I watched as her lips met his. My heart sank and the rage I was feeling inside of me was causing my breathing to become uneasy. My heart was shattered. She had stabbed me with that kiss. I saw as she pressed against his chest deepening the kiss. The rest of the band flaunt big smiles on there faces.

I couldn't take it anymore I had to do something. I felt the words slip out of my mouth in a whisper, “Stop.”

No one heard me. I walked over to them yelling, “Stop.”

They broke their kiss and Ella turned to look at me. She looked at me with guilty eyes feeling sorry for me, “Christian,” she said almost a whisper.

“Why?” I said my voice cracking.

“I am so sorry,” she said and I know she meant it, but all I could hear is the cracking of my heart.

I could feel the tears streaming down my face, “I love you.”

“Christian,” she whispered taking one step towards me, “I am sorry. I tried, but Zayn. We.” She couldn't find the words to tell me that she wasn't in love with me, but I already knew that.

I knew she wasn't in love with me, but it still hurt. Even though I know she didn't love me it hurt to see her kiss him. It hurt to stand here and hear how sorry she was. It hurt to watch another guy make her happy and make her feel things I would never be able to make her feel.

I shook my head asking her not to say anything because I didn't want to hear her say that she belonged with him.

“Don't. I don't want to hear it,” I said wiping the tears from my face.

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