Chapter 3: Birthday Party

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*Kring ring*

Nagisa threw the bed sheets open and jumped down from his bed with an enthusiastic face.

It was August 1.

His birthday! And he will be celebrating it with everyone in the kindergarden!

He happily skipped down the stairs and into the kitchen to see his mother frosting his birthday cake.

It was strawberry-flavored of course.

He looked at all the treats his mother prepared. Cupcakes, donuts, and all other sweets are displayed along the dinner table to be packed and brought to his school.

He smirked and brought out a pack of white thing from his pocket.

It was going to be the best birthday, indeed.~

Yer frickin' POV

"Everyone! I have an announcement to make." Sensei said as we all sat down to our respective desks.

"Today, we will be celebrating a special day of our classmate." Sensei motioned for Nagisa to stand up in front.

"Today is Nagisa-kun's birthday! Let us all sing him a song." And we all started singing happy birthday happily.

"Wonderful! Tell us, Nagisa. How old are you?" Sensei asked.

Nagisa smiled and held out one finger and everyone gasped. How could he be that young!?

"U-Uhm... Nagisa. How old are you, really?" Sensei sweat-dropped.

Nagisa smiled again and held out four more fingers.

"Ah, yes. Nagisa is now five years old!"

Everyone cheered and clapped as the food is being set in front of us.

Meanwhile, you couldn't look at the other treats. Your main objective is the cake.

Your eyes bulged as the cake is being sliced, and when Nagisa-chan's mother called that it is ready to be served. You made a dash for the line and innocently held out your paper plate.

Mako-chan was next in line with you and Nagisa's mother smiled and gave you both a piece.

Just as the both of you took a bite on your cake. Nagisa held both of your hands to stop you.

"A-Ah! Nagisa!" You struggled your hand free but it won't budge.

"Don't eat the cake." Nagisa warned.

"Why? It looks safe and delicious to me." Mako-chan said.

"Just don't. I have something better on the slide if you come!" Nagisa invited.

That got you, and you dragged crying Mako-chan out of the room leaving both of your cake slices untouched.

Truth be told. There was a much more bigger cake at the slide!

Your eyes shone with delight as you intently smashed your hand on the cake.

"(First)-chan.." Mako-chan scolded.

"Whatch?" You said, mouth full.

And the three of you ate happily on the swing set while chatting.

"Nagisa. Can I ask you something?" Mako-chan said.

"What is it, Mako-chan?"

"Why didn't you let us eat that cake? And just let us eat this instead?" Mako-chan asked.

"Stop asking~ This thing must've tasted better than that! Ahh~ My tummy is full." You rubbed your belly.

"Well, the truth is..." Nagisa started.

You both turned to him as he pointed at the direction of the classroom.

The three of you heard some screaming, squealing, scolding, crashing, laughing, and all other crazy sounds.

"Woah. What's happening?" You ask.

"C'mon, let's go see!" Nagisa dragged you both.

As soon as you opened the classroom door, a teddy bear flew and the three of you dodged it.

"Wow." was all you can say at what was happening.

Food and toys are scattered everywhere.

Some are fighting while the others are laughing.

Sensei and Nagisa-chan's mom are having a hard time calming everyone down.

Every kid has his or her own doing.

The classroom is a mess.

It's like everyone went mad!

Both of you looked at Nagisa who is smirking broadly. Then he noticed the two of you waiting for an explanation.

"What? It's not my fault everyone went high."

A/N: This was rushed. I made it for like 2 hours just so this chappie can make it to his birthday. Forgive me if it was OOC.



Sorry if there wasn't much MakoReader-chan fluff. Cuz' it was all dedicated to him~

This is from the abridged version of Free! which is 50% Off. You can find it on YouTube.

So anyways, #NANODAYOLO bitch.

Plus, there gonna be exams so I can't update much. Not that you care~ baka.

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