Chapter 2: Sad Birthday

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"Anna's 11th birthday". She invited all her 24 class mates , but as you know dear readers , Anna was too lonely ! That's why only 3 friends came to her birthday : Cliff (her best friend) , Lauren and Josh ! She was sad , very sad !

She's nice , she's friendly , she tried doing her best to make people love her and her dream was to be popular like her siblings and that all her mates would come to her birthdays but all ways they kept making fun of her , her mind was full by thoughts how to make people like her and stop making fun of her. They never ever had knew what they do when they make fun of her and start laughing at her , they destroyed her , they broke her heart, her thoughts were about to kill her, but fortunately she had family, and a best friend! Those people adore her because she was nice and apreciated the favor that there was Anna in their life. That's the only thing that made her smile in her birthday though her tears in her eyes were clear but she tried to hide them. Cliff could see her deep sadness even she hide her tears , he could also always see them.

*Cliff : Anna, what's wrong ?
*Anna : Uh .. Um .. N.. Nah .. No there's nothing Cliff, everything is fine ..
*Cliff : I could see clearly your tears !
*Anna : Reeeaallyy ??
*Cliff : yea ..

Anna wiped her tears quickly..
"Children , let's sing the Happy Birthday song to Anna" said Marie
So they started singing , she was still upset because they were only 3 voices , Cliff raised his voice , and looks at Anna , she smiled , her siblings and cousins joined them , so then she started singing with joy ..
But her thoughts never stopped , they wanted to ruin her day ..
They continued playing and enjoying , she was smiling but in her inside she was dying .. 

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