Chapter 21: Depression

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Anna , sad , couldn't sleep at night , like everyday , because she can't stop thinking about Elsa..
Elsa couldn't too.. Because she still can't believe her BFF betrayed her for a stupid boy.. Day after day Elsa depressed.. She started liking to be alone , in her room , just looking at her phone , without eating , only if her parents obliged her.. The pain could beat her and she gave up..
It could be realised how Elsa changed , she was super happy and one thing happened then Elsa suddenly turned to a sad girl thinking how her life isn't important ! But , she was wrong , it was too important for Anna , her daily thoughts show that..
One day , after the long never-ending thoughts , Anna got an idea , she finally decided to go to Elsa and end all those nightmares , she couldn't continue her life without her.. So the second day , she wanted to go to Elsa's
Elsa couldn't really recieve visitors , she was like a dead body but still alive because of her oxygen : "her phone" ,
Like her life wasn't important at all , so she decided to .. End it .. Yea , end it !
She woke up earlier than before so she can take a knife from the kitchen so her parents can't realise her..
While she was on her way to the kitchen , her mother heard the door's sound so she woke up and went to see what's happening
Elsa was about to take a knife and .. :
*Elsa's mom : Oh Elsa , what are you doing in the kitchen ? And why are you holding a knife ?
*Elsa : Ahh mom .. Uh.. Um.. No I felt I was hungry and I decided to make a sandwich !
*Elsa's mom : Reallyyyy ? Finallyy , my sweety got out of her room to make a sandwich !! How happy I am !! Let me make it for you !
*Elsa : Ahh.. Okay..
Yea the plan failed , she thought about another , so she decided to throw herself from the balcony..
She waited till the afternoon , ate lunch , and maybe it was her last meal , she was obliged to eat of course , and gave her parents kisses and hugs and entered her messy room again , she opened the door of the balcony , then she stood looking at the world thinking : "Good bye you , unfair world , I'll not miss you at all "
She took a deep breath and sat on the extremity of it , one move , and the a big trouble will happen..
Anna arrived to her home and knocked the door , Elsa's mom opened the door
*Elsa's mom : Oh hi Anna , we missed you , why aren't you coming here ?
*Anna : Ah hello , Uh , I was busy those weeks , you know , studying and those stuff
*Elsa's mom : Aha so Elsa is in her room , go see her.
*Anna : okay..
She opened the door finding the balcony's door opened , and Elsa was sitting at the extremity
She opened her widen eyes to see clearly and ran to her saying : " Noooo Elsaaaa , don'ttt doo ittt "
Elsa heard her voice and .. moved quickly trying to throw herself and

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