The Journey Begins

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"We can send your trunks ahead, but, in my condition, portal travel is no longer safe." Portal traveling could potentially harm the baby and Sarah would never put her child in any harm. Well, no more than she was already doing by being in the Above.

Jareth would doubtlessly have several...words with her about her decision to slip into the Above for this. But Sarah would weather his rage, after all, she was not about to trust one of the Fae to gather Harry. As it was well known, the Fae enjoyed turning humans into changelings and Harry was not yet of age where the Fae could not change him. 

Not if they were truly determined.

Sarah would have to keep a close eye on Harry while in the Underground, but that was nothing she was not prepared to do in order to keep the young wizard safe. 

"How do we get into the Underground?" Harry questioned and Sarah smiled softly as Hedwig sat on Harry's shoulder. Seeing the owl reminded her that she had not seen her husband in several days and she already missed him horribly. 

Good gods she was turning into such a sap! Since when had she become the kind of girl to sob if she did not have so many hours of cuddling time in a day? Oh, right, since she married the ass.

"We ride." Sarah stated simply and refused to say any more on the matter. Once his bags had been packed, Sarah sent them ahead, and then turned to the sinking sun.

"My queen, we have a limited opportunity." Miles reminded her and Sarah nodded. They had to get to the Gate into the Between before the sun fully set. The Gates that separated the realms all had different time at which they could be accessed. The Above was any time the sun shone, the Between was during twilight, and the Underground could only be entered during night.

"Harry, would you happen to know how to ride a horse?" Sarah questioned as three horses suddenly appeared, as if the mention of them had summoned them. Sarah showed Harry how to mount the gentle gray mare that she had assigned him. 

Once he was settled, she mounted Shakespeare, and Miles his midnight stallion. 

"Don't worry about trying to steer her, Mrina will follow after me, and Miles will bring up the back. We have to ride through the gates to the Between and then we will go through the gates to the Underground. It will take us about two days to get to the Underground." Sarah explained as she led the small group away from the development. To get to the Gates one could not magic themselves nearby.

They had to ride or walk. 

If any human had spotted the group of three, the human would have seen nothing, after all, what good is magic if it does not keep you from being seen? 


Sarah easily found the gate to the Between, it had been hidden between two great oaks, and dismounted to open it. 

"You will feel a slight discomfort but it should pass." Since Harry was completely human it would feel as if his body was being stretched between two worlds, which in a way it was. Unlike portals, Gates were hidden around the world, but it was impossible to pass from the Above to the Underground, one had to go to the Between. The Gates acted as a step ladder to the other realms and only a gate keeper could open or close them. 

Traditionally, the royal family of the Between acted as Gate Keepers and the younger royals would act as the Keepers while the eldest child sat upon the throne. However, Toby, whom should have been the Gate Keeper, was placed upon the throne and it was his blood that now acted as the Keepers, even though they were children of the younger sibling. 

This caused the Gates to be...difficult in opening as they would not always listen to the Keepers and even more rare would they listen to the ruling beings.

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