Beggars and Goblin Kings

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Sarah was beyond angry.

She was pissed.

Jareth had known there were spies among her guard, none in the city knew of the fire at the high courts and Sarah had discovered that it had been set up.

Jareth had put both her and their child in danger to work out a rat.

Sarah was pissed.

Especially because he preached the importance of her safety and then turned around and pulled this kind of shit on her.

She ran down the back alley way hoping that her memory would serve her right. The men pursuing her had been lost along the way, but still she ran on.

She was not one to take things for granted.

Making another turn Sarah cursed, she had run down the wrong way, and now faced a dead end.

Turning, she saw movement out of the corner of her eye. What had appeared to be a pile of rags moved to form a begger.

"What's the rush deary?" The beggar questioned as he leaned back on his hunches.

"Oh nothing, I just happened to loose my husband and last I saw my kingdom was on fire." She stated angrily as the beggar straightened and removed his guise.

"Oh look, he reappeared, it may be in your best interest to disappear again."

"Oh, come on, my lady love-"

"Do you have any idea how worried I was? Not to mention the fact that you put our child in danger!" Sarah yelled as she cut him off. Jareth approached her and enfolded her in his arms.

"I was watching and never far from you, if I had felt you were in any serious danger I would have been beside you in an instant." Jareth said, reasonably, as he attempted to soothe her.

"You put our child in danger." Sarah's voice had gone quiet, a trait she had learned from him. Jareth pulled back to look his lady love in the eye.

To say that the High King was worried about his general safety at the moment, would be absurd. He was the High king after all.

Though he may have been a little...concerned.

"You did not need to know of the plan, your reactions were being closely watched and would not have seemed genuine if you were aware of the plan. Besides I am king, my word is final." Sarah went still as she glared at him.

"You may be king but remember, I am queen. Your queen, my part is more than sharing your bed, it is also sharing your burdens."

"And what of the plans you did not share with me? Your little ploy to bring the mortal Underground? Or so many of the others? You, my lady love, are just as guilty as I."

"Do you remember our discussion on when it is best to stay silent instead of speaking? This would have been one of those moments." Sarah stated as she attempted to pull away, but instead Jareth's embrace tightened.

"Than I shall silence us both." Sarah had no time to turn her head, for he head captured her lips with his. Using his jaw to attempt to enter her lips, but Sarah knew his tricks and she was still pissed.

His irritation growing, Jareth pressed against her, pinning her between the alley wall and his body.

Still she refused him.

"Why must you always be difficult? Why must you always defy me?" Jareth questioned as he searched her face, but Sarah refused to speak.

"Very well, I know you are still enraged but I will not apologize. Unlike when you take matters into your own hands, I was never far from you, though I did cloak my presence." Jareth attempted to reason with her though he knew it would matter little, she was still pissed.

Suddenly, his eyes widened with unadulterated rage, Sarah grew both frightened and confused before she realized the rage was not meant for her but for the three Unseelie Fae that had approached them.

"I would suggest you walk away and forget you ever saw us." Jareth threatened in a reasonable tone.

"We would love to, except your purse is heavy, your cloth while plain is of a nobleman's make, and the lady is quite fetching from what we can see." One of the Fae, of whom Sarah could only assume was the leader, said.

"Don't kill them." Sarah whispered as his eyes narrowed in furry at the mere mention of another touching her.

Though the other's around them could not tell, Jareth's fingers loosened upon her and his body tensed in preparation of a fight.

Before another could speak Jareth moved.

Sarah fixed her hair and straightened her shirt as she watched in appreciation as Jareth brought the two Fae down, it was only then that she remembered there had been a third.

Once the thought crossed her mind, a cold blade was pressed against her throat, and she felt the Fae behind her.

Jareth immediately stilled, his eyes narrowing upon the glint of the blade.

"I would suggest you go to the back of the alley and no harm will befall your lady." The Fae attempted to reason, though Sarah could practically feel his fear radiating off his form.

Without looking away from the blade, Jareth calmly kicked the Fae nearest to him, that had begin to move, unconscious. He took a step towards her and the Fae pressed the blade closer to the delicate skin.

"I mean it." The Fae warned and Jareth suddenly began to shake, his deep laughter causing a faint smile to appear on Sarah's face.

"I have no doubt that, if you could, you would. However, what you have failed to notice is that the lady in your arms once severed as an assassin to the high king. She is also your high queen and my bonded mate. I need do nothing." Jareth stated as he casually leaned up against the wall to watch the show.

Before his words could fully register, Sarah brought her arms inbetween the Fae's and broke his hold upon her. It had been too loose any ways.

Taking the arm that still gripped the dagger, Sarah twisted behind his back and, with a kick to the knee, brought the full grown Fae to the ground.

"Honestly, darling, you need not be so gentle." Jareth stated as he neared the fallen Fae and knocked him unconscious.


"You would be such a Slytherin." Sarah stated as Jareth placed an arm possessively around her shoulder and they casually strolled away from the three fallen Fae.

Nothing like beating up a few inferiors to get out the anger and bring a couple together.

"Really? I always figured myself a Hufflepuff." Jareth ignored the snort of Sarah's laughter.

"Please, you even have the pale hair and 'better than thou' air about you."

"I never knew your school was so prejudice." Jareth commented as he tucked her closer to him.

"Fine then, all the houses are given the challenge of opening a locked door. Ravenclaw find the key, Hufflepuff knocks, Gryffindor breaks the door down, and Slytherin picks the lock."

Jareth paused and thought for a moment.

"Ok, fine I would be a Slytherin." He conceded the point, though it meant baring with Sarah's triumphant grin. Better a smug queen than an angry one.

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