Discussions Behind Closed Doors

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Sarah was indeed weary, she sluggishly changed into a sleeping gown, and all but collapsed onto the bed. Yet no matter how she tried to fall asleep she could not. Her power wanted desperately to break free and was being difficult. This was mostly due to the fact that it sensed Jareth's distress and was instinctively attempting to reach him.

Also, she wanted to see him, not the fascade he wore while in court, but the face of her husband. Even if he was angry and yelled, she did not care. She just wanted him.

Sarah attempted to wait until Jareth returned from his councils before she fell asleep, but her body was exhausted. Eventually, her power calmed, and she fell into a half sleep, where her body rested, but her mind was far from sleep.

She, dimly, was aware that the door to her chamber opened, and Jareth strode in. Seeing her upon the bed he paused and then continued readying for bed.

Not even a minute later, he rested a hand upon her back and gently shook her. His anger seemed to have dissipated a little, now he simply seemed as tired as she.

"Sarah, we need to talk." He reminded her, his voice taking on a sharp tone that his touch belittled.

"There's nothing to talk about, as you so love to say, what's done is done. I'm back, the baby and I are both safe, and now we also have Harry." Sarah said sluggishly as she turned her head to look up at him.

"You should have waited until I assigned more guards to go with you, or until the boy was done with his schooling."

"We both know danger will come knocking before his schooling is finished, please, Jareth, I will not leave the Underground without your permission again, just let this one go. As far as slightly idiotic actions I have taken in the past, this is by far not the worst." Sarah reminded him as she yawned and stretched.

"You could have at least taken Pavo along." Jareth tried to keep his cold tone, but it was quite impossible when Sarah reminded him so much of a tired kitten.

"He would have just been another mouth to feed and as it was we had to pick up supplies from some gas station before returning. You and I both know Pavo is a terrible mouser." Sarah stated, affectionately, as she closed her eyes once more.

Now that Jareth was by her side once more, her power was settling and her body relaxing.

"Love, I am not finished with you yet." Jareth stated as he laid down beside her and drew her close so that she laid upon his chest.

"Can it not wait until morning?" Sarah grumbled as she happily drew nearer to him; he was warm, she was cold, it worked. She easily wrapped her legs around his waist and placed kisses from his shoulder to his neck.

"Little minx, attempting to change the topic." Jareth grumbled but, like most of the male population, he found it impossible to resist her. After all, they had been parted for several day and they had both missed the other.

Sarah, Jareth concluded as he pinned her to the bed, was more sly than a full blooded Fae.

A/N: And unfortunately it is on this happy, but short, note that I end until I can write some more. Wish me luck I have advanced chemistry this year along with advanced history. Yay me!

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