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Inside the gym several second year students were already seated on the bleachers along each wall of the gym. The gym was fully equiped with targets, balance beams, a matted sparring area, and other training essentials. This was where the twins had trained the day before. Walking past the other students the twins sat on the first row of the bleachers on the left side. They were waiting patiently for the assembly to begin when one of the students walked up to them.
"Hey my name is Zizi, you guys are first years right? First years have gym either third or fourth period. If you guys show me your schedule I can take you to your class." The twins then realized that the student had mistaken them for lost first year students.
"Nice to meet you Zizi, my name is Kane and this is my sister, Kaia. We're transfer students from Grandum. While we weren't here last year we are official second year students." Grandum was the neighboring kingdom of the Xia province, so it wasn't unusual for the twins to be seen as transfer students. Surprised, Zizi asked
"Wasn't it hard to transfer into Sagefield academy? Second year entrance aptitude test are much harder than the first year test." Of course Zizi didn't know that the twins, mainly Kaia had the highest score. This however was not the only reason they were accepted. While regular students were only accepted if they scored high enough of an aptitude test, children from high social rank were often accepted no matter their skills. This was due to Xia's government policy which often allowed those of high social class to be given special privileges. Thankfully Zizi seemed to believe the twins were ordinary citizens of Grandum.
"Well my sister is very good at the magic arts, and I have my own abilities so we were able to get through somehow." Kane replied lightly.
"I see. Well since your not lost first years I'm going to head back over to my friends! I want to be with them when we are assigned our teams." With that, Zizi walked over to her group of friends that had been standing off to the side unnoticed until now.
"It seems our story will be sufficient for most students." Kaia said looking at her brother.
"I hope so. Then again, Zizi might just be one of those girls who doesn't really pry into people's lives." Kane said as he was not one to let his guard down. After a few more minutes of waiting, the assembly began with the headmaster of the school introducing himself. He then began to explain how the teams would work.
" One of the reasons Sagefield academy is commonly chosen for future rulers and high social ranked children, is due to our academic success. We have produced numerous leaders for several countries, as well as brought up talented individuals of low social standing to be the greatest warriors of their time. We teach our students the laws of our world through magic, physics, governmental and political studies, war tactical training, and all of the other necessary skills you will need to not only be a great ruler, but as well as a great warrior." The headmaster paused for a moment, looking at all of the students in the bleachers. "Our group training is a way to learn. As a warrior and leader you must learn how to trust your underlings, how to use the abilities of the people around you, and to learn how to survive group attacks. It is for this reason, that our academy puts such importance on group training. For the next four years, you will train with the people assigned to your group. After practice trials and classes you will begin real missions to gather real world experience, something that no other academy can offer. These people are your allies. I hope that with this, your steps into the real world will not falter, and that you are able to accomplish great feats for the paths you walk as Sagefield students will never be normal or easy." As the headmaster finished his speech the second year students all felt great emotion. No one here was ordinary, nor were they going to ever live an easy simple life. And they took pride in that. But a lesson the children would have to learn, would be that with the power they held, came powerful danger. They would never live an easy life, whether they wanted to or not.

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