Chapter Two

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AFTER TAKING THE BUS, RHIANNA FINALLY ARRIVES AT THE TRAIN STATION. It was definitely massive enough to take up an entire lot the size of the White House. Gothic architecture is clearly displayed by the design. The pointed arch of the entrance of the station was supported by flying buttresses. Water ran through the gutters, trickling slowly down into the cobble stone floor. A small puddle lay there which made Rhianna realize that it had been raining when she slept. Even at this time of the night, it was still pretty crowded. People came and go, obviously hurrying up to catch the next train. Each and every one seem to be pretty busy, not paying attention to anyone that passes by.

The cobbled stone floor was cold under Rhianna's feet. She felt the air is starting to become chilly because night was slowly approaching.

"I have to hurry up or Mr. Logan might see me." Rhianna told herself.

She sped past the railroad tracks, towards the other corner of the station. Taking care not to hit any of the passing strangers, Rhianna clutched her precious pink bag with a black colored leather strap that was soft and comfortable as she hang them on her shoulders. Simple black flower patterns decorate the pink velvet cloth of the bag. It was simple and old, yet the faint memory of warmth continued to linger in this loving memory.

As she reached the other end of the station, a tiny restroom with a white tiled floor greeted her. To the left was the women's comfort room. Three stalls with plain brown doors were situated inside, directly opposite to the dirty white sinks with cloudy mirrors. The soap container was broken, causing liquid soap to leak out of its opening. A foamy puddle formed directly below it.

The third stall was the only vacant one. With utmost haste, Rhianna slipped in and closed the door. She unzipped the pink bag she held in her hands and took out a black body suit that was slick and shiny as a newly bought car. It was fairly tight thus revealing Rhianna's curves. She also took out a small, black clip shaped like a hat with feathers and put it on her black wig. Next to the clip, she reached once again into the bag for a black mask that only covered her forehead, eyes and nose. White sequins dotted the edges and outlined the rims. Silver dust was spread evenly all throughout the black background. A white zipper like design surrounded the holes that were meant for the eyes. On the right of the mask, a gray flower shape was once decorated with white and gray sequins. Beads of gray and white were dangling just below the flower. Feathers that were dyed with a monochromatic white, gray and black color were placed on top of the flower.

The mask was there to conceal her face and thus protecting her identity. Especially the mole just below Rhianna's left eye. If someone were to take note of that, tracking her would be easy. In no time, her fans would be able to distinguish who she was and flock over her school

She can't let that happen.

"Everything is all set," Rhianna sighed and inhaled deeply. "You are now no longer Rhianna Lee, that helpless girl who was a loser by all aspects."

Tonight, she was Eirah Jane. A popular singer loved by all and idolized by many. From her voice, the way she sings the songs people ask her to sing. Not by who she is but by what she can do.

And that is good enough for her.

Mr. Logan was thumping his feet on the cobblestone floor beside the rail tracks of the train station. Impatiently, he looked at his watch and sighed as the minutes ticked by quickly.

"Only an hour and a half left!" he screamed to himself in frustration, "That insolent girl still needs to go to the stylist for some serious make over, new clothes—"

A girl with perfectly straight, jet black hair and tight body suit appeared into view. She was wearing a mask that revealed only her full, well-rounded lips with a thin layer of pink lipstick.

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