Chapter Three

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RHIANNA WALKED OUT OF THAT ROOM AND TOOK A DEEP BREATH. The white hallway was getting to her again. Now that she realized it, she is currently wearing a white dress.

"It has another color besides white, anyways."

Walking towards the entrance to the stage, Rhianna isn't feeling terrified at the fact that she is about to perform in front of a hundred, no, at least thousands of people. All were screaming out her name and cheering her on. Rather, Rhianna was petrified at the fact that Clarisse and Jenna wouldn't sing with her and her whole concert would become a total failure.

Because the one who is singing isn't actually me, Rhianna thought again.

But it was already too late to back down right now. The music was about to start.

She had no choice but to go.

Rhianna emerges out of the platform with a huge bang. The lighting changed with a light shade of red. Thick smoke fills the entire stage that for a moment, when the electric guitar is still playing the intro, she wasn't visible to the audience.

She firmly grabbed hold the microphone in her left hand despite being right handed. At first, it was all to confuse the fans that she was a lefty but by and by, it already became a habit. Jenna and Clarisse—the mean idiots—were humming along to the tune while harmonizing. Jenna, with her high-pitched voice usually sang the tenor part, while Clarisse's voice was fit for alto. It was Rhianna who sang the melody. Supposedly it was simple since the melody is easy to grasp. Only that for Rhianna, things weren't that simple.

Because she was tone-deaf.

Do you ever feel like breaking down?

Do you ever feel out of place?

Like somehow you just don't belong

And no one understands you?

Do you ever wanna run away?

Do you lock yourself in your room?

With the radio on turned up so loud

That no one hears you're screaming?

Singing the song with facial expressions isn't that impossible to do. The songs in the poll were voted with the question 'Which song do you think fits the story of Eirah Jane's life?' True enough, the fans got it right. This song was her favorite because it spoke too much of the feeling of inferiority she had had for the past fifteen years of existence in this world.

No, you don't know what it's like

When nothing feels all right

You don't know what it's like

To be like me

With all the heartache she went through her whole life, she was sure it couldn't surmount to the misery others went to. Perhaps she felt like her life was the worst one could live yet she was sure, somewhere out there, there was someone who would scoff at her fragile heart that easily succumbed to the weight of dejection.

To be hurt

To feel lost

To be left out in the dark

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