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All of your favorite Pokémon characters sat around in a large circle. (a pretty large circle..) And in the middle of the circle was a bottle. They were going to play 7 Minutes In Heaven! It was all Serena's idea. You know how crazy Serena can get..

"So who would like to go to first?" Serena asked everyone with excitement.

"Me, of course!" Ash exclaimed triumphantly. "Pi-Pikachu!"

Ash went to the center and spun the bottle. Serena watched the bottle carefully, crossing all of her fingers that it would land on her. The bottle started to slow down, and it finally stopped. It landed on a girl, but it wasn't Serena.

It was Misty.

Misty's heart lurched when the bottle landed on her. She could feel butterflies in her stomach when she thought of being alone in the closet with Ash. She looked up at Ash and he was smiling like an idiot. He held out his hand and said, "Let's go Misty!"

Misty took his hand, and Ash led her into the closet. Serena started the stop-watch angrily and slammed the door on them.

"Wow. She's in a bad mood." Misty said.

Ash nodded nervously in response. Then he stayed silent for a seconds.

Misty looked at him. Just a second ago he was fine, and now he's acting weird.  Misty thought as she stared at Ash, noticing he seemed a bit tense.

Ash felt nervous. I've been alone with Misty before. Why does it feel different this time?  He could feel Misty looking at him strangely and he blushed. Then he looked over at Misty.

The two of them made eye contact. Ash was blushing, looking into Misty's green eyes. They are beautiful eyes.. Ash thought, then blushed even harder. What am I saying?

Misty couldn't help but smile. She noticed the way Ash was looking at her, and her heart started beating faster. Maybe Ash likes me back?

Misty had liked Ash for a long time, but she thought he didn't like her back. Ash was kind of immature, and he never understood any of the hints that Misty gave Ash about her feelings. But now, Ash was the one acting strangely.

There was a heated silence and Ash needed to say something.

"Um, Misty, I have something to say." Ash blurted out. His heart started racing. Why did I say that? I don't have anything say to her!  Then he suddenly realized something. Love? Do I love Misty? How do I tell her that..

Misty blushed, surprised at what Ash had said. "What is it?"

"I like you." Ash said, then looked away from Misty. His face was a bright red and he couldn't look at Misty.

Misty flooded with joy. Finally.. He likes me back..  Misty went over to Ash and embraced him. Ash was surprised at how tightly Misty was hugging him.

"I really like you, too. In fact, I love you, Ash Ketchum." Misty said into Ash's shoulder.

Ash smiled. "Will you be my girlfriend..?"

"Of course." Misty replied, happily.

Then the door opened.

They let go of eachother and blushed as people went "Awww.."

"Finally." Brock said.

"Oh, shut up Brock." Misty snapped, then laughed.

"Pikachu! Pika-pi!" Pikachu hopped onto Ash's shoulder.

"Well... better luck next time..." Serena mumbled to herself.



Anyways, let me know if you liked it. I've never written a Pokéshipping fanfiction before, so.. I hope this is a good start.

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