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"Okay, who's next?" Serena asked everyone.

"I'll show you twerps how it's actually done!" Jessie said loudly.

Serena raised an eyebrow at Jessie.

"Team Rocket? I didn't even know that you guys were here." Ash said.

"Of course we're here! Why wouldn't we be?" Jessie yelled at Ash.

"Okay guys settle down...." Serena said, motioning her hands in the air for them to be quiet. "Jessie, you sure you wanna go? I can't imagine how well this will turn out.."

"Oh, just let me go." Jessie grumbled.

"Whatever." Serena said sarcastically, and let Jessie spin the bottle.

Everyone watched the bottle carefully, and the bottle started to slow down. Jessie's pulse started racing, eager to find out who the bottle would land on. Then the bottle stopped on James.

When the bottle landed on James, he didn't know what to think. He sat there frozen for a few seconds.

"Ooooh. 'Dis is gonna be interestin'." Meowth said, wiggling his eyebrows. James's cheeks became tinted pink.

"Shut up." James muttered to Meowth. Meowth just laughed and nudged James along. "Go on Jimmy. Jess is waitin' for ya!" This made James blush even more. He noticed the heat on his face, but he didn't understand why. His heart started beating faster and he stood up and looked at Jessie.

"This shouldn't be that hard." Jessie said. James nodded and walked with Jessie to the closet.

"Um... Have fun, I guess." said Misty, closing the closet door.

Jessie and James sat beside eachother on the floor of the closet.

"Have fun? Hmpf." Jessie said, sounding a bit angry.

"Well, at least we're not being blasted off by those twerps." James replied, trying to cheer Jessie up.

"I'd rather be blasted off then be stuck in a closet with you." Jessie said sharply. Was that too rude? I hope I didn't hurt his feelings.. She looked at James and he seemed startled.

"I'm sick of your attitude." James said flatly.

"What do you mean?" she asked, raising her voice. They both stood up.

"You never have anything nice to say to me. You always act like a total brat when you don't get what you want." answered James. Jessie looked at him, seeing hurt in his eyes.

Great Jessie. You hurt him, and now he hates you. She twirled her thumbs, regretting what she had said.

"No comeback?" James said bluntly. Jessie just shook her head and looked away.

Huh? That's weird. Jessie usually has something rude to say back to me when we fight like this. James thought, puzzled. Maybe I hurt her feelings..?  He looked at her, and she was still facing the opposite direction of him.

"Uh.. Jessie?" James asked nervously. Jessie turned her head shyly. They looked at eachother awkwardly, neither of them knowing what to say. Then James noticed tears coming from Jessie's eyes.

"Jessie.. Why are you crying?" James was shocked. Jessie doesn't cry..

Jessie suddenly grabbed James and pulled him close to her dramatically. James's eyes widened at the sudden embrace. He didn't know what to do. His heart started beating faster and he felt warm inside.

It was silent for a few seconds, the only sound was Jessie's sobs. Then she spoke.

"I'm so sorry, James. For hurting you. I'm nothing without you. I need you. And I don't want to fight ever again because..." she grabbed James's shirt tightly. "I love you." she whispered. James couldn't believe what he had just heard, and he let go of the embrace and looked into her eyes.

She loves me. He said in his head, then smirked at Jessie.

"I love you too, Jessie." he said, smiling. Jessie's eyes clouded and she practically threw herself back into James's arms. Their bodies were very close, closer then they had ever been, and James wrapped his arms around her waist. Jessie blushed at his move, but she smiled because she enjoyed it. "We should do this more often." she giggled.

"Yeah." James agreed.

"Alright, love birds! Shows over!" Meowth exclaimed, opening the door. Jessie and James jumped out of eachother's grips and blushed.

"Just letting ya know, we heard everythin'." Meowth said.

"EVERYTHING?" Jessie asked furiously.

"Mhm." Meowth said.



ANYWAYS WHAT SHOULD I WRITE NEXT? AND WAS THIS GOOD AT ALL? It took me 3 hours. I couldn't think of anything. AND THIS LITTLE BIT OF WRITING TOOK 3 hours.

What am I doing with my life? XD


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2015 ⏰

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