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*Evan's Pov*

It has been three days since I've been in here. Everyday was the same process, more cuts, but they never got anything from me. They are wasting their time, and I hope they know that.

If I knew my family, they are going to try and help me. No matter what. I don't want them to give our money, but they probably don't care. When I get out of here, I defiantly will now have to wear my mask at all times. The cuts that went down my cheeks, and not as bad as Delirious' though. That one cut that run down over his eye? Worse then I'll ever have. I just hope they are fine.

Ethan walks into the room, and I roll my eyes. "I'm not telling you anything, no matter what." I point out. He just shrugs, and takes a seat by my chair.

"I know. I just wanted you to know, we have a way to get you to tell us everything." He tells me, and I roll my eyes once more.

"Oh, yeah? What then? Nothing you will ever do, will make me tell you. You guys have no chance of making me talk, so just let me go."

"Oh, but this will. Bring him in!" Ethan yells, and two guards bring in Lui, him trying to kick them. My eyes widened, and him and I made eye contact.


"Well, he was just walk in on the streets. I sent in my guards, and they caught him. Now, back to business. Who is the girl, and why is she with you?" Ethan pulled a pistol out, and put it up to Lui's temple. You could hear Lui whimper, but it wasn't loud.

"I ALREADY TOLD YOU!" I yell, and Ethan glares at me.

"It was pretty obvious it was a lie. Tell me now, or out goes your friend." He pushed the barrel harder into Lui's head.

*Lui's Pov*

2 Days Ago...

"Okay, Lui, what is your plan?" Delirious asks, and I wait for everyone to sit.

"Alright. We all know that Evan's week spot is his family. He would tell the Vexes anything if we got caught, so we have to make sure that doesn't happen." They all nod.

"Do I count as family?" Shadow asks. Everyone's eyed widenend.

"Yes!" "Of course!" "Why not?" Everyone said. Delirious just mumbled something under his breath, with a smirk right after.

"Well, maybe we need to be stealthy. Delirious." Delirious looked down, and I suddenly felt guilty. Its not his fault that he is a bit crazy. "Sorry. Anyways, in the Vexes bank account there is 20$ million in there. What if we stole it all, and only gave half of it to them? They wouldn't know what hit them!"

"That could work. But one tiny problem,"

Fighting Back With You~A H2ODelirious FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now