Chapter 3: The First Day (Part 1)

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Luna's POV:

My name is Luna Crimzer. I'm 17 years old and a senior at Stronghold Academy. Summer vacay is over and it's the first day of my last year at Stronghold. I better make this one count.

It's Homeroom: I walk in to the senior's homeroom and get a warm welcome. By her.

"LU!!!" Oh great, she does this every year. Next she's gonna charge straight into me and since I'm very tall and don't feel like falling I'm gonna have to catch her... The thing I hate the most is that she knows damn well that I will try my hardest to shake her off but she's as stubborn as a mule so she won't budge. (sigh) She just wants a ride and apparently I'm the only one who can give it to her.

If she wasn't one of us (and if she wasn't one of my best friends)... she probably would've been dead a long long time ago. Literally.

"Pama!" I yelled with excitement. She might be annoying like hell sometimes, but her wild side is something that I greatly appreciate.

"Oh Lu I missed you so much over the Summer. Two whole months of not seeing my precious Lulu's face! I thought I would've died. But if I died I wouldn't be able to see you again would I?"

To be honest I don't really remember ever having Lulu as a nickname. She only acts like this to the people she's really close to... Yeah, she's bipolar. Her full name is Pamala Mizu; she's only 3 months younger than me and yet at times she acts like she's just 3 years old.

"Pama, can you get off me now? You're kinda heavy."

"I am not! As a matter of fact, the last time I got checked out I was the perfect weight for a girl my age."

"And how long ago was that weighing?"

"6 months ago!"

"I can't believe that you say that as if it's a good thing. A lot can happen in 6 months you know."

"And what is that supposed to mean? Are you saying that I've gotten fat?!" She gasped.


"Oh Lu you're so mean to me!"

"Yeah yeah I'm so cruel, now get off of me before I punch you!"... Hey I said she was annoying.


"Thank you."




"Hey, Pama?"


"Hav-... Have you seen Renzin yet? I, sorta need to talk to him."

"Huh? Renzin?! Why?! What happened between you two?! "

"N-Nothing happened!" I blushed fiercely.

"Don't Lie to me Luna!" Oh crap! She used my whole name... She never uses my whole name unless she's serious! "You better give me all the details before I wring it outta ya like a wet towel!" she screeched, reminding me of a cat whose tail had just been stepped on. Here's a little advice: If Pama ever starts making threats, she's not joking. Just do what she says and save yourself the trouble of dying by her hand.

"Okay okay I'll tell you later, I promise. Right now I need to find him, it's really important." I have to admit, though, it was a little too evident in my voice that I wanted her to let me go.

"..." she sighed. "Fine, but you better give me a novel's worth of detail in your explanation. If not, there's gonna be hell in both of your futures, is that clear?!"


Finally, freedom.

Now to find Renzin...

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