The ABC Challenge! XD

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Okie dokie, Ghost_Wing  tagged me XD

Let's get this started? XD

A- Age?


Count each pair of Haha's and that MIGHT be my age >:D MUAHAHAHA!

B- Biggest Fear?

Something very bad happening to my family! I worry about it a little too much, especially with my sister. The world isn't getting friendlier, so I definitely tend to try and protect her at times..XD

C- Current Time?

It's 2:41 pm!

D- Drink You Last Had?

Ginger Ale, but I'm starting to crave some Dr. Pepper! XD Damn it Ghost_Wing !! HAHAHAHAHA! XD

E- Easiest Person To Talk To?

Normally my parents and friends, but the most easiest person to talk to is myself XD hahahaa!

F- Favorite Song?

That's impossible to answer! XD

But my all time favorite song that I absolutely never ever got tired of, would have to be What If by Emilie Autumn! I just love everything about that song XD

G- Grossest Memory?

Hmmmmmm *thinks*

I had way too many XD I guess one of them is watching my ex-friend throw up her breakfast. No joke this is EXACTLY how it went!:

Me: You okay?

Her: *throws up in bush* There goes the cereal!

Me: O.O

Her: *throws up again* There goes the milk!

Me: *starts laughing hysterically*

Her: *turns around (facing me) thinking she's done* ugh...

Me: Are you good now?

Her: *throws up* There goes more cereal!


Hahaha! Still makes me laugh to this day....but I guess a gross memory that I made would be when I peed my pants in third grade because the teacher wouldn't let me go to the bathroom! XD *sighs happily* those were tha shit days! XD

H- Hometown?

Narnia.....I didn't like it so I moved ta Brooklyn, NY! Yeah....XD

I- In Love With?

Real life? *sighs* forever alone XD

In my insane brain? JOKER!!! WOOHOO! XD

Call me crazy, I'll break ya face. -_-

J- Jealous Of?

Not jealous of be completely honest XD

K- Killed Anyone?

Of coarse, I'm in prison right now! *sarcasm* No, I never killed anyone haha XD

L- Longest Relationship?

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