Prince Kyle

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The young prince woke up in his large bed, inside his palace as one of his servants lightly knocked on the door.
"I'm up!" Kyle announced hopping out of his bed, and doing his morning routine. Most stories are about how princes or princesses hating being royal but Kyle loved it. Especially since he saw what happened to most of the peasants out beyond the palace gates. The only disadvantage was his parents expected him to marry a girl someday, but what they didn't know was that he was gay.

Cartman woke up to gun fire outside of the alley he was sleeping in. Criminals breaking into one of the buildings was the cause of the sounds. The brunette boy got up, brushing some of the dirt off of his clothes and started running, his heart pounding in his ears from fear. The young peasant boy Raman a few blocks away, until he reached the market. Great a place full of foods, and items Eric could never afford. The brunette walked down the dirt pathway, flinching whenever a rock would get in his sandal. He sneakily grabbed a fish off of one of the carts and stuffed it up his shirt when no one was looking. Eric walked quickly past the people, and watched out for guards. The palace was standing menacingly close by, the golden gates gleaming in the sun light. Eric wondered what might be going on inside the walls of the pearl white walls, but he knew he'd never find out. He pulled some of the raw meat off the fish and ate it, ignoring the bitter taste of the raw fish. Food was hard to come by.

Kyle groaned "Why do I have to go down there?"
"Because you must show compassion for your people! You will be in a carriage with guards so it will be okay." His mother said patting his hand.
"Okay fine." Kyle mumbled as some of his servants dress him in clothes that weren't as fancy as he'd normally wear. They were gray like something peasants would wear, to make Kyle seem more humble.
"Now make sure you remember your manners Kyle." The king said to his son patting his back. The carriage arrived and Kyle stepped inside, waving good bye to his parents as the carriage started rolling outside the golden gates.

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