The End

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Vince eventually came downstairs and joined his two parents at the table.
Morning Kyle signed and smiled.
Morning dad  Vince signed back and sat down, grabbing pancakes and eggs.
"Hey Kahl, butters and Kenny and Stan and Wendy and their kids are coming over today." Cartman smiled and Kyle cringed.
"Sweet dude but please don't use 'and' so much in a sentence."
"Sorry I haven't been to school in forever." The brunette chuckled and downed a glass of milk.

Later on that day Stan, Wendy, Kenny, and butters arrive. Stan and Wendy bring their four month old child Julie, and Kenny and butters bring their ten year old child Melody, a brown haired girl and she's the same age as Vince
"Hey!" Kyle beams and hugs them all. Vince signs a hello to them all even though they don't know how to read sign language. All the adults sit and chat about grown up things, while Cartman goes to the kitchen and helps the chef cook a giant chocolate cake. Vince wonders off to his room, and Melody follows him.
"Hi." She said and smiles. Vince recognizes what she says and just smiles and waves at her.
"Can you speak?" She asked, Vince recognized the word speak and just shook his head no.
"Oh.. Can you hear?" She asked, he doesn't recognize any of the words and just points to his ears and shrugs showing he can't hear her.
"I'm sorry. It must be awful to not be able to hear.." She said and sat down looking at his room. "You have a lot of stuff." Vince sees her looking around and grabs a stuffed tiger from his shelf and hands it to her beaming.
"Oh thanks.." She smiled bright and hugged it. Vince and Melody spent the rest of the afternoon playing.

Eventually it was time for them all to leave and as melody walked out the door she pecked Vince on the cheek who blushed dark and smiled. Cartman smirked "hey Kahl looks like our son is a ladies man" he whispered, making Kyle lightly chuckle. "Yeah I guess so." He said waved bye to all their friends.
Vince was still blushing as he skipped upstairs to his room again. Cartman giggled and hugged Kyle. "Hey Kahl.. What happened to your parents by the way?"
"Oh them? I don't really know.. They moved out outraged and I haven't heard or seen from them since." Kyle laughed, and the brunette chuckled. "Wow well at least we have this whole place to ourselves then." Cartman smirked.
"Yeah.. Except for all the guards and servants." Kyle snickered.
"True, but other than that it's just you and me against the world baby and I think we won." Cartman smiled and pulled Kyle into a romantic kiss, the Jewish boy beamed and returned the favor.

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