The Handsome and the Nerd

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Chapter One

"I love you" he said to me, I was shock at first but then he is my boyfriend after all so why not say it back Sam. "I love you too." I told him, I meant every word. But why do I feel like I've been played.

I shook my head to not remember that heart aching memories, before I go to school. "Ms. Sam, are you all set? The driver is here" My maid, Melinda said. She's my only friend and my family. Since when I was a child she's always there to take care of me. That would have been my parents work, but they we're just too busy to notice me. Even in my birthdays, they never showed up.

"I'm all set Melinda, I'm going down a bit." I informed her. I took a quick look in my appearance.

"You never look beautiful! Have you ever seen your face? I bet not." Kyle told me. I can't believe him. I thought he loved me, "But, I th-hought-"

"Thought what? That I love you? It was all a bet! I don't want to lose my reputation because I dated a nerd girl, who is completely ugly to be exact!" I tear rolled down my cheeks. He played me. I felt numb, and stupid. I thought I was the smart one.

"Sam, its over. Yeah sure, Kyle is there to make your life miserable today and the next day, but this will end soon. I hope." I told to myself. I never have friends. I used to have, but they all changed and they never talk to me. "Ms. Sam?" Once again, Melinda called me.

"Coming!" I went rushing down the stairs and went to my black mustang car. I still have a driver, because no one ever thought me how to drive. "Hello, Ms. Sam. Feeling a bit sad, again?" My driver, Fernando said. Fernando and Melinda are married. So in other words, to me they we're my parents. They just know me. I smiled back in reply. I rarely talk to Fernando, I guess I was bit shy.


"Here we go. Be careful and learn first, don't flirt. Don't kissy kiss, just listen to the teacher." Fernando told me. I always laugh of how he always said that to me everyday. He knows I was a good student, but he just want me to be safe. "Okey, Fernando, I will. Bye!" I went out of the car and he drove off. "Well, here we go again." I muttered to myself.

I entered my school and the first thing that caught my eye was him. The one who broke my hear into pieces. He saw me from the corner of his eye, he just smirk. All the girls where always dead in his signature smirk, but I wasn't. I sigh, thinking that he'll say sorry for what he did. But he won't do that. He has to keep his reputation.

I went to my locker and got all the things I needed to my history class. "Have you heard that there's a new student and he's coming today?" I heard, Alison. My used to be best friend, now she was with Britney. I didn't mean to eavesdrop or anything, I just heard, because of their loud whisper. I ignore them, and went to my history class.

I always sit at the back besides no one wants to sit beside me, except if there's projects and you have to be paired up. The classroom was quiet, but not for long, seeing the jocks are here. "Oh hey, Sam. How are you doing this fine morning?" Kyle said.

Just ignore him. Just ignore him.

"I can see that your ignoring me? Why is that? Maybe if you look me in the eyes, a tear will rolled down to your cheek, because your still in love with me." He high-five one of his friends and together they laugh.

I can't believe he brought his big ego with him, who am I kidding, he always bring his ego. His large ego. "Anyways, nice talking to you." Good God, that's over. I heard the familiar bell that it was time. "Settle down! Settle down! Now, as you all know we have a new student. Can you come in?" Mr. Charles said and was motioning through the door.

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