Chapter 9

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*Heres chapter 9!! This is the last chapter but there will be an epilogue!! :)*

Veronica's P.O.V.

I flew over to Loki knocking him to the ground. My blood boiled and I'm pretty sure my hair flew into flames and my eyes turned bright red.

Flames appeared at my palms as I was about to throw at Loki. But before I could, the hulk grabbed him and threw him around like a rag doll. I chuckled slightly as Loki groaned as the Hulk stopped throwing him around.

"And don't think you didn't deserve that." I spit at him.

He chuckled. He fucking laughed.

I smirked wickedly and twirled water around my fingers. I clenched my fist and I turned to ice. I bent it around Loki's hands prevented him from moving.

"Have fun." I said smirking leaving him lying there in pain.

I flew over to where Natasha was handing with Loki's spear in hand.

"What's going on?!" I asked.

"When the nuke explodes in the portal, I agent I close it with Loki's scepter." She said panting.

I looked up at the sky. Tony was holding the nuke with his hands above his head.

"Come on Tony, you can do it." I said pleadingly.

He flew through the portal. I let out a sigh of relief . But he still had to return.

"Come on, come on." Nat said.

The nuke exploded with still no sign of Tony.

No, he had to make it. He had to.

"Do it Natasha." Steve said through the headpiece. Steve. Is he ok.

"Steve, are you alright?" I asked.

I could almost hear him smile, "Yes I'm fine Veronica. Are you alright?" He replied.

I laughed, "I'm fine. Well maybe." I said.

A sonic boom erupted from the sky. Natasha stuck Loki's scepter through the beam and it started to close.

"Please Tony, please." I said tears brimming my eyes.

Just as the portal was about to close. A figure fell through it. Tony.

"He's not slowing down." I said and flew as I quick as I could towards Tony. I caught him a few seconds before he hit the ground. I laid him gently on the ground. He was unconscious.

The hulk roared causing Tony to jump awake.

"Oh my god Tony! Your okay! He's okay!" I jumped up from the ground beside him and leaped into the nearest persons arms. Steve.

"He's ok. Everyones ok. Everything is going to be better." I said into him chest.

Steve lifted up my chin forcing me to make eye contact.

"Veronica?" He asked me.

"Yes?" I replied memorized by his eyes.

"I love you." He whispered. It took me a few seconds to realize what he said, but by then his lips were firmly placed on mine.

My eyes widened in shock but quickly closed and I kissed him back. A few seconds later we broke away. He smiled at me.

"So this is the secret you've been keeping." He said letting him hand drag across my wing. I smiled shyly.

"I guess. And Steve?" I asked.

"What?" He said facing me.

"I love you too." I said before pressing my lips to his again.

*THE END! THERE WILL BE AN EPILOGUE!! The epilogue should be out soon. If you enjoyed this story please share it! Thank you all so much for reading!! It means so much!! :) *




~Kara :)

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