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-5 days later-

it's been a week since we moved and I've only left the house a couple times. im not comfortable with anything here, I just wish I could've stayed with my dad.

"launa come down here!" I hear my aunt yell. I groan and climb out of bed for the first time today. when I get downstairs I look to the table to see my aunt sitting there drinking out of a lass that probably contained alcohol.

"tonight im going to a neighbor hood party, not a big one though. it's just a couple of my friends and I'd like you to go with me. some of them have kids. im pretty sure they're your age too." she smiles.

"i guess i will." i shrug.

"oh good! i thought I'd have to drag you out! maybe there will be boys." she winks. my cheeks turn red and I roll my eyes.

"none good enough for me." I joke.

"oh hush, do something nice with your hair and maybe put on a little makeup. change it up a bit, new place new you." she says simply. I think about the idea of a new me. I could be whoever I wanted, or I could just stick with myself because I've never been fake, I've always been real to myself. I nod and smile at her before heading back up to my room.

I put on a pair of dark shorts from hollister and a white spaghetti strap tank top, considering its 96 degrees out today.

i turn on my playlist on spotify that consists of mostly country music and plug in my straightener, sitting down in front of my mirror. i curl my eye lashes and put on my mascara. next I put my wavy and thick blonde hair into thin layers and begin to straighten it. once it's finished i spray my perfume and grab my flip flops. I unplug my phone and straightener and walk downstairs to sit on the couch, pulling out my phone and texting my aunt.

to; aunt karry

when are we leaving?

seconds later she replies, '5:00'
I look at the time and lock my phone, it's 4. I sigh and turn on the tv, watching Zoey 101 the remainder of the time.

-1 hour later-

"ready to go alauna?" my aunt says standing in the living room doorway. I nod jumping to my feet.

we walk out and get in her red Nissan Altima. I put on my seatbelt as she backs out.

"isn't her house only down the road?" I question. my aunt nods.

"yes it is but it's also 96 degrees and i'd rather not walk there, I don't know about you." she says and I laugh, nodding in agreement. seconds later she pulls into the drive way of a rather large brown house with a front porch that has a group of ladies who look the same age as my aunt. we get out and walk up to them, they all tackle my aunt in hugs.

"oh karry, it's great to see you! this must be your niece?" she smiles at me. i smile and nod.

"im alauna." i say to everyone on the porch. they all tell me their names and the lady in front of me smiles.

"I'm nila. this is my house. you can go inside if you'd like, that's where the kids are." she says. I nod and open the door that leads into the large house.

I walk into a staircase in front of me to the right, and a hallway that leads to the kitchen right in front of me. to my left there's a living room and a dining room. beside it. I slip off my flip flops and walk into the living room that smells like cinnamon and apples.

I don't see any kids.

i sit in the cool living room for awhile on my phone, until i have to use the restroom. i should have went before we left considering I drank a whole water bottle while watching Zoey 101.

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