Akaito x Reader

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Reader's Pov

"Hey (y/n)" Kaito waved to you. I walked over Kaito "hey Kai" I greeted him back we engaged in conservation and then Akaito showed up " Hey babe " he smirked. Kaito left the two of us alone "where did he run off to?" I asked Akaito. He rolled his eyes " I don't know what my brother does all the time..what's wrong babe do you like him now ?" he chuckled " I don't like him you idiot and I'm not your babe" I crossed my arms " he's just is a lot easier to talk to" . He cupped my face " you soon will be" he whisper into my ear. I could feel my face turn red was I blushing because of this idiot?! I slapped in the face " I will not be yours I'm not a doll! He stepped back in shock " at least your brother has manners!" I yelled. He looked hurt and I covered my mouth when I realized what I said. He ran away " Akaito! Wait!" I chased after him and lost him.

I walked up the steps of the Shion house I knew I had to bite the bullet and apologize to Akaito I ran the door bell and Taito opened the door " hello (y/n)". Then I heard Kikaito ,Kaito, and Nigaito in the background "(y/n)?!". "Hey everyone is Akaito home?" I asked them as they lead into the house "yeah he's in room. Kaito then gathered up the brothers " okay lets leave them alone!". Then the brothers left the house and I went up stairs to Akaito's room I walked up to his door and hesitated I could feel my heart pound. I finally summoned up the courage to knock "go away" He said " It's me.." I said he opened the door "(y/n")? What are you doing here...." he asked I looked down he had his shirt off he was hot... what am I thinking?! "I'm here to say sorry ...know you for eailer.." I said . He turned around "yeah whatever come in" I walked and sat on his bed.

"I'm really sorry Akaito" I said again. He looked at me then quickly pinned me on to the bed I struggled to up "why does everyone like him better than me? Even you?!" He yelled " What are you talking about?!" I yelled back " KAITO YOU LIKE HIM AND NOT ME!" He said with sadness in his voice. " Don't like him already told you! I Love you!" I was able to push him off. He looked at me with a puppy look "You love me?" he asked "yeah of course you do but your such an jerk sometimes and you tease me " I admitted. He hugged me " I'm sorry I didn't realized" he said. I was confused " I thought you knew because I thought Kaito told you that's you mess with me" I hugged back "I didn't know I always you liked him I mess you with because I love you". We looked at each other and kissed it was sweet then he pulled away " I promise I'll never be a jerk again (y/n)" I pulled him on top of me "its babe to you" I flirted and he smirked....

Kaito's Pov

Everyone quietly held their hears up to the door..." Can you guys hear anything?" I said while surrounded by my other brother's then my little sister Kaiko walked up to us " Oh you leave them alone you weirdos!" she whispered

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