Kaito x reader

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Kaito Shion....Oh Kaito I love you... can't you see? We've been childhood friends.We know everything about each other our hopes and dreams. I've been your shadow ever since we were little but you don't even notice my feelings toward you..
You rather be with Miku but I mean I don't blame you she's perfect her hair...how she sings she truly is number one and I'm number zero.
My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of lightning and thunder it was loud and even though I was in a grocery store I could still hear it. So I figured I need to hurry up and get the things I needed before the storm got any worse I looked at my list flashlight,batteries, and snacks. I looked at my cart and it seemed that I have gotten everything that I needed so I went to the checkout line. I paid for my things and went to my car and I started the drive home.
Traffic is a little slow due to the weather which had started to pour and got even more dark I stopped at the red light
.. There was someone crossing the road without an umbrella he had blue hair and white trench coat it was Kaito.. What was he doing out in the rain? He could get sick or even worse hurt. I rolled my window and called to him "Hey Kaito! Need a ride!?". He saw my face he quickly nodded and jumped into the passenger seat he put his seatbelt on and the light turned green and I continued to drive.

" Kaito what were you doing outside? The weather is going to get worse" I said to him. He looked sad his eyes were red as if hr was crying. He managed to talk " I was just taking a walk that's all" he answered. I wondered where I would need to drop him off so I asked him " do you want me to take you back to you and Miku's apartment?". He didn't answer at first "No.... Miku she kicked me out" he said. I was furious I knew it was a bad idea to move in with her but I kept my mouth shut... all of his stuff is there she just can't kick him out on the streets who does is she think she is?

" Well I just can't leave you out here you can stay at my place" I said and I wasn't taking no for an answer. "(Y/N),You don't have to do that I can find somewhere else to stay I don't want to be a burden" he insisted. " "Kaito! Don't you dare say that you will never be and have never been a burden you're my best friend" I consoled him.
He smiled a little " Thank you (Y/N) you're too kind". We finally made to my house and just in time too the storm was getting even worse if that was possible. I got Kaito fresh new pair of clothes and no I don't just randomly keep men's clothing I always kept a pair of clothes just in case my brother decided to sleep over ( you have a brother now get over it xD lol ) . I put Kaito's old clothes in the wash and made him a bed on the couch.
"Wow (Y/N) you really do come through for me" he said I handed him a pillow "of course I do, I like I said you're my best friend" I giggled. This made him smile. At that moment the lights turned off I groaned "arg the power went out it'll take awhile for it to come back on" I grabbed the flashlight and batteries, then me and Kaito you sat on the the couch.
"Since you're going to be here for a while what happened with me you and Miku?" I asked. He explained that Miku had found another guy and that she was sick and tired of Kaito .She told him that he was a burden and annoying. "Kaito that's awful" I said he looked really distressed I didn't know what else to say but I need to find a way to cheer him up and bring back the good old Kaito that I know and love "Hey you know the powers out and that means the freezer is going to be turned off and all the ice cream is going to melt we need to find way to fix that problem" he looked up at me and smirked and I winked.

We dashed to the kitchen he grabbed two spoons and I grabbed the tub of ( your favorite flavor of ice cream) ice cream. We devoured the ice cream and talked for hours. "(Y/N) can I tell you a secret?" He asked " of course you can tell me anything Kaito " I said then he continued " I've always secretly liked you but I thought that you never liked me. Miku is always been the second best because I know you have feelings for Len" he admitted... His face got red he blushed with embarrassment but I couldn't help but laugh his eyes widened "what so funny? I know I'm pathetic but I didn't know I was that pathetic" he said I gave him a big hug "no your not funny its funny that you think that I like Len when I really like you! I've loved you since we were kids!" At at that moment I realized what I had said and covered my mouth and hid my face from him. Gosh I'm such an idiot! loved? Seriously?!

Then.... I felt something soft on my lips it was Kaito..He was kissing me! I didn't know what else to do but kiss back! We kissed intill we had to stop to breathe.

"(Y/N) I love you I always have and with that he carried you to your room bridal style .The power came back on and so did the lights but let's just say you didn't need them anymore.

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