"Hang in there, babe," Cassandra whispered faintly as she maneuvered the car to the Emergency driveway of the hospital. Her limbs were about to give up, but she urged her hand and pushed the horn to catch everyone's attention outside and stopped the car with shaky legs just when two nurses and a doctor ran out. "Help! Please! My husband's hurt!"
Everything went so fast she barely saw it. Someone asked him about Philip's name and age. Aside from that, she couldn't remember anything else. One moment she was crying as she looked at Philip's unconscious form and the next moment she was left alone in the car as the nurses and the doctor wheeled him inside the ER. She started to get out, but a security guy stopped her.
"You have to park your car first, ma'am."
"My husband's alone in there and you want me to park my freaking car?" she shouted hysterically.
"This is a driveway for the Emergency Room, lady. And you're not the only one who has to use it," the guy said in a straight face. He must get a lot of yelling every day.
"Fine!" she got back inside and zoomed toward the parking lot. She bumped a headlight against a post light but she didn't care. She had to get to where Philip was.
She ran back to the ER, throwing the security guy a glare, and entered the doors. She felt lost with everything going on. Nurses and doctors alike were running around, doing whatever they were doing.
"Can I help you?" A lady behind the counter her asked.
"Yes, I'm looking for my husband. Philip Strindberg. They just wheeled him in."
"The one with the twisted ankle?"
"Yes! He was unconscious. I want to see him right now."
"There are nurses and doctors taking care of him right now, you don't have to worry. Please stay at this area," the lady pointed at the group of chairs lined up just beside the counter.
Cassandra shook her head. "No, no. I want to see him right now!"
The lady sighed. "You have to wait while your husband is being taken care of."
She did not wait for another invitation to sit on a freaking chair because that would not happen. Instead, she turned around and walked down the large hall with curtains at the sides that separated the beds.
"Hey, ma'am!" The lady tried to call out, but she did not listen. She was already busy peering through every curtain, looking for her husband.
"Philip!" She shouted, gaining the attention of some staff.
"Ma'am, you have to stay back at the reception. This area is strictly for staff and patients only."
"Then consider me a patient!" she said irritably.
The lady looked at her with patience. "If you want your husband treated, you have to let us do our job. Please stay right there," she pointed at the chairs.
Cassandra pursed her lips and stomped right back to the blue chairs.
"Thank you," the lady said and got busy.
She started tapping the floor with her foot. Her hands were getting restless. The shakiness from driving for the first time in two years was already gone, but the fear was still there. It was just a freaking foot, how could he have fainted? What if he hit his head? What if he... Shit, I'm going ahead of myself. And where the hell is Angelica and the others!
"Mrs. Strindberg?" a doctor asked after almost half an hour.
She immediately jumped to her feet. "Yes. Where is he? How is he doing?"

The Transient Wife
HumorOne drunken day, Cassandra gets the proposal she can never refuse from the arrogant Philip Strindberg. Thrown into a marriage she never wanted in the first place, Cassandra will struggle on how to maintain her carefree attitude while trying to keep...