.:Chapter 7:.

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.:America's POV:.              

It's been a day since (y/n) has been gone and Arthur had me worried. He had stopped yelling at me and seemed to have almost gone completely mute.  The only times that he would speak was when I would eat more than usual amounts of hamburgers in which he would strangely tell me in a calm voice to "stop shoving them down my throat. But we both know that that won't be happening anytime soon until we find (y/n).              

It's now the second day of (y/n) missing and I had made the conclusion of going to China for help. That old Chinese guy knows all because old people are the wises I guess you can say. So of course Iggy agreed to come because he is clearly still in shock so I could basically make that bitch my peasant! Anyways, we were eventually headed to the airport with nothing but a few extra clothes, bathroom utensils, and that tea that Iggy drinks all the time because I guess it makes him more comfortable and sleepy.              

After some time, we were both in Hong Kong and were headed towards Yao's house which happened to not be far from the airport. As soon as we arrived, Arthur did the unexpected. He leaped out of the car and ran towards Yao's door, knocking viciously and once again leaving me to pay the taxi driver. I immediately searched into my pocket and took out 600 Chinese Yuan. The taxi driver looked very astonished, if anything happy which was creeping me out and said something that sounded like "Wǒmen yīnggāi zuò de mǒu gè yèwù". He then handed me a card with what I presume to be his phone number and name before driving off like a maniac. I then stood outside with a very confused face for a good couple of seconds before realizing what had happened and ran inside Yao's house only to be greeted with a very depressed/already crying Arthur. Like, I knew that Iggy liked her, but I didn't know that he liked her this much! I mean, I felt the same way towards (y/n) and felt like crying also, but real men don't cry, right?I then saw Yao petting Iggy's back and comforting him before I basically flooded him with questions.

"Now now, my fellow companion, I-"


"SHUT UP YOU STUPID AMERICAN! Why doesn't anyone ever hear me out, aru..."

"Sorry! So... do you like, possibly know where (y/n) is located dude?" I asked, toning down my voice a little.

"Well, I actually do. I was talking to Japan the other day and he had said that he rescued (y/n) from your house because he had seen Hungary and Austria trying to break into England's house. He then told me something along the lines of feeding her Ramen, her memory partially being restored, and sending her off to Germany where she would probably be the most safe and-"

"COME ON ALFRED WE ARE HEADED TO GERMANY'S PLACE RIGHT NOW!" Arthur yelled while dragging me to the door while managing to flag down a taxi at the same time.

"Goddamnit! No one ever hears me out, aru!" I heard China scream.

"Thank you, you old Chinese hag!" I screamed rushing into the taxi.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!" I heard China scream and come running outside towards the car at full speed.              

Before China got close to the door, the car was already speeding down the makeshift roads of Hong Kong and headed towards Germany.

.:Timeskip to Germany's place in Berlin because of the power of awesomeness:.


"Vell," said a very uneasy Germany "I vent off to ze spore and left (y/n) with Italy. I didn't zink that he could do much harm but apparently ze idiot did..."

"WHERE IS HE?! WHERE IS ITALY?!" Iggy yet again yelled.

"Ju are not allowed to see him" Germany said beginning to become frustrated. This day sure included a lot of yelling from the British hag!

"Hmp. Fine then, but you will have to at least tell me who took (y/n) so I have a better understanding of where to find her" Arthur said.  Hold up, (heyyyyy!) did this Brit really think that he was going to be saving (y/n) alone? That's the hero's job! And I'M the hero!

"Um, may I take part in this conversation?" I asked. They both turned to me and simultaneously said "No" and turned back around at each other and continued to bicker like some old couple.

"As to your question before," Germany began "Italy doesn't know."

"URG! What do you mean that that bloody wanker doesn't know? Isn't that why he has eyes?" England asked annoyed.

"Vell if jou haven't noticed already considering the multiple times of your encounters vid Italy, he always has those eyes of his closed, zerefore making him partially AND legally blind" Germany said in a matter-of-factly way.

"Well this may take a while..." I said, budding into the conversation once again.

"Well no shit Sherlock..." Arthur said.

"Sherlock? Is that a person or did you get it confused with McDonald's Shamrock Shake 'cause those thing are good stuff dude."

"Just shut up" both Germany and Iggy simultaneously said again. Those two are starting to creep me out!              

Germany then sighs and wishes us good luck before kicking us out of his house. That was a very short talk if you ask me.Iggy then also sighs, turns to me.

"Alfred, how could you be so up beat in a time of this? We could possibly lose poor Stoneage again, but forever this time."

"Tch, dude you got it so wrong. As much as I don't want to confess, I really do want to just curl up in my bed and cry my brains out. So don't think that you're the only one going through hell" I confessed.And without second thought, I was off waving a taxi down and we were off to a hotel in Berlin.

600 Chinese Yuan- $96.63 in US dollars

"Wǒmen yīnggāi zuò de mǒu gè yèwù"- The pronunciation of the words/phrase "We should do business sometime".

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