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Alex waited outside the classroom, texting on her phone. Suddenly, a rush of perfume filled the air. Alex rolled her eyes. Her BFF's perfume was enough to get her to puke. But Crystal, a girl in their class, would fall for him any second now. In fact, she was a pretty nice girl and she had wanted to date Jake for some time now, but Jake seemed to be busy always. "Come on!" Warm hands tugged at her arm. Jake seemed to like basketball in PE class."OK, OK, Mr. Sports McBunny." Alex said, annoyed. PE was not her most likeable subject in school but it made Jake happy, so she did it...

The class was given a tutorial, practice match and then the real match. The ball was bouncing everywhere. Every kid tried to grab it but they ended up throwing it farther away. Alex watched on the bench as her fortunate teammate, Kevin, goaled. "Yes!" She screamed and jumped. Her victory was hard-won but in comparison to Jake's fabulous team, it kinda was. Alex's mind wandered over to Kevin. He was cute with black hair, he perfectly resembled David Henrie so much. He winked at Alex while goaling. See, both friends had looked dopey last year on Valentine's day, dateless.

So the friends decided to ask out their crushes. Alex was inches away from imagining dancing with him before Coach yelled her to go. "God!" She said to herself. She raced around with Kevin as they put goal after goal o their scoreboard. Soon, Jake's team began playing extra hard, earning the same position as Alex's team now. Both felt happy that they'd captained their teams to winning pedestals. "And the teams have made up their minds to play friendly, who'll win?" The nerdy announcer kid, Jai Samar, taunted the teams. Jake flung for the ball as Alex fell on the side. Wincing. They'd won.

Everyone cheered Alex and Jake on, especially Alex because she'd never won so many goals with a guy she liked. Lalala! Kevin helped Alex up. "Nice job!" Kevin encouraged her, causing Alex to smile. "Thanks, you were pretty good out there, too." She said. They both laughed and headed to the bench for a presumed half-time, they looked too happy together to be disturbed...

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