Prussia x child reader

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Daddy!!!!!!!" You ran down the street as fast as you could, trying to get away from the main bully in your neighborhood. Peter. He would always pull your (hair length) (hair color) hair and punch you in the arm. Today was different though. This time he had grabbed your hair and tried lighting it on fire. "NOoooooOO stop its!!!", you choked between sobs. You then punched him in the gut and ran down the street back to your house. Prussia heard the loud yelling from outside and rushed to see what was happening "__________, are you ok?!?!" You ran into the house and up to your room crying. "_______!!!!!" Prussia then looked outside to see Peter standing in the street laughing "HAHAH! I hope your hair burns off!" Prussia went up to Peter and proceeded to pick him up. "What did you do to mein princess?", he asked in a very flat tone. "N-nothing s-sir" Prussia dragged Peter back to his house to show his father what he had done to ________.
*Time skip brought to you by England's cooking!*

Prussia had cleared everything up with England and Peter and decided to bring you home some flowers. "_________, I made you some wurst and brought you flowers" you were under your bed crying as you felt part of you hair gone (if you have a boy cut then just imagine it to be a little longer). Prussia then went under the bed and picked you up princess style. "Hey frau... its ok! you're still my pretty princess!" he said as he touched the burnt part of your hair. "R-really?" you said between sobs. "Ja!" Prussia then gave you his drop dead smile as he put you on his shoulders "come on! your AWESOME dad is going to feed you wurst!" You smiled in response as you were carried down the stairs.
Author's Note: Hello, my little cupcakes!!! I hope that you loved this prussia x child reader story! I ran out of ideas for Prussia, but I felt like this was a good theme. I mean after all ze awesome prussia needs to be heroic!! Also I honestly don't think that Peter would be so mean I just couldn't think of any other young hetalia characters. So Peter was my first choice! Anyway up next is Germany x child reader and I'm sorry once again about my bad bad grammar and such! Remember to subscribe to my account for more x readers! - Raven

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