Those boys will give me a heart attack some day

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I silently groaned, as the sunlight hit my eyelids. I turned around, expecting to see him there.

"Zayn?" I was confused. He always sleeps here when I have nightmares. I had a nightmare last night, so where was he?

"BOO!" All five boys, jumped out from the side of the bed.

"GOOD LORD!!!" I exclaimed as I clutched my heart. This resulted in the boys laughing in histerics. I swear, one day, those boys are going to give me a heart attack.

"You- should have- seen your face!" Harry said between laughs.

"Liam? You too?" I raised my eyebrows. Liam doesn't usually approve of thingslike this. He just shrugged.

"I am SO gonna get you lot back!" I muttered, as I got out of bed. I stared at the boys, who were now clutching their sides. "Are you gonna get out?" I waited. They eventually made their way out of my room.

I had a really quick shower, and then I dried my hair. Shit. I remembered we had P.E today. All the girls get changed in the same room. Surely, someone will see my scars. Note to self: Talk to Zayn about P.E. I searched for my outfit. I finally settled on some black skinny jeans, a purple/white/black shirt, and black converses with a grey beanie (picture on side).

I grabbed my phone and bag, and then made my way downstairs. I found everyone on a heap, on the kitchen floor.

"What happened?" I sighed. They all started yelling their answers at the same time. "SHUT UP!" I shouted above them. They all stared at me, like I grew another nose. I pointed to Liam.

"Louis and Niall were fighting over the last piece of bacon, then Harry came to save Louis. But then Harry started to fight too, so Zayn went to stop them. Now they were all fighting, and Zayn's hair got messed up, so he got mad. Then of course, I went to go stop the fight, but I got pulled in." Liam explained. I smirked.

"Children these days." I rolled my eyes, and everyone burst out laughing. So did I, when I saw Zayn's hair.

"Zayn, your hair!" I pointed to him. There were bits sticking out in all DIRECTIONs (lol!) and it was all scruffy. He screamed, as he ran upstairs. I sure love my brothers.

"You're gonna be late!" Liam exclaimed. I scoffed down the toast, and picked up my bag.

"LEGGO!" I yelled, as Zayn came downstairs looking good again. We made our way to the door.

Me and Zayn, sat at the back of the seven seater car.

"Zayn?" I looked at him.

"Yes babygirl?" He replied.

"We have P.E today, but I can't get changed in the changing room. They will see my scars." I whispered. Zayn was the only one that knows about my scars. He thought for a while.

"What time is your P.E lesson?" He asked me.

"Half ten."

"I'll pick you up." He smiled.

"What about the rest of the lessons?" I couldn't miss school. It's only my second day!

"Mmm... Wait! You have to go meet Simon at two o'clock today!" Zayn exclaimed, causing everyone to look at us.

"Oh yeah!" They all remembered. Great organization.

"Okay, so well pick you up at ten thirty?"

"Okay!" I smiled. The car soon pulled to a stop. Oh great, school.


This chapter might be a bit boring :(

It's kinda just a filler. The next chapter will be interesting. I already have an idea of what it will be like.

Bye for now and thanks for reading!!!!

Follow me on Keek!!!!!! My user name is @Tashmi

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