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After our date, Sam walked me home. I sat in my room, waiting for the boys to finish getting ready. We were all going out for dinner. Apparenty, it was this really fancy resteraunt so we all had to dress nice. I was wearing a really cute, black ballet dress, with a cardigan and black shoes. I still wore the necklace that Sam gave, and I put on some earrings and bracelets. I still had my hair in curls, and I just touched up on my makeup.

"Were going!" Liam yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

I grabbed my purse and went downstairs, and all the boys were there. They looked amazing! They were all wearing black suits with a White shirt.

"You guys look amazing!" I complimented them.

"Thanks! So do you!" They all said at the same time. We all burst out laughing. That was creepy! We made our way into the van. Paul was driving.

"So, tell us about your date Bells!" Zayn exclaimed.

"We had a picnic, and then he gave this." I showed them the necklace Sam gave.

"That's so sweet!" Niall said.

"Did you kiss?" Harry asked me.

"Umm yeah..." I admitted.

"Like, a proper kiss? Or just a peck on the lips?" Louis asked.

"First one." I blushed.

"That's all right?" Liam said.

"Yes okay! Nothing more, nothing less." I sighed.

"Good." He relaxed.

"Did you use protectionnn?" Niall said dragging the 'n' .

"Niall! I just told you that we didn't do anything else!" I yelled in frustration. I could hear Paul and the rest of the boys snickering.

"Ugh!" I huffed.

We arrived at the resteraunt, but there were paparazzi everywhere.

"Bells, put these on." Louis said as he handed me some sunglasses. I put them on and followed the boys out the van. They all huddled round me, trying to protect me from the blindly lights. Paul made way for us, so we could enter the resteraunt. A waiter showed us our seats, and I took the sunglasses off.

We took our seats, and ordered our food.

"I wanted NANDO'S." Niall pouted.

"We can have NANDO'S tomorrow." Liam said. I watched as Nialls face lit up like a Christmas tree. We were all busy talking, when a little girl walked up to our table.

"Can I have your autograph?" She asked, as she held out a notebook and pen.

"Of course sweetie!" Louis said. The notebook was passed round and all the boys signed it.

"Can I have your autograph too?" She said, handing me the pen and book.

"Mine? Sure!" Why would she want mine?

"There you go." I gave the girl her stuff back.

"Thank you!" She squealed, and then walked back to her mum.

"Why did she want MY autograph?" I asked the guys.

"Because you're our little sister! You're literally a part of One Direction now!" Louis said.

When we finished our food, we headed back home. I quickly ran up to my room and got changed. When I came back down, the rest of the boys ha dalreadu gotten changed too. It was only ten o'clock, so I joined everyone on the sofa.

"Don't forget, you start your new school on Monday." Liam reminded me. I mentally groaned. I had to move schools, because my old one was too far. I think Zayn notice my bad mood, because he spoke up.

"Hey, it's only for a few months. Then we go on tour!" Oh yeah! Their next tour is in four months! I guess I can survive four months in a new school. My mood lifted instantly.

"And we have an interview tomorrow at five. That means you too Bella." Liam said.

"Me?" What's everyone's deal with ME? I'm no one special.

"Yup!" Niall said.

When I went to bed, the nightmares came again, so I stayed with Zayn. Zayn was the closest to me. I feel like I can tell him anything. Don't get me wrong, I love them all, but Zayn is just, different. We spend a lot of time together, and he's the only one that knows about my past. I haven't told the rest yet.

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