Chapter 1: Truth

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                   The second bell had just rung after 3:00, telling all of the students of MacArthur High School to leave the building as quick as they could. Matthew, however, was already on his way down the street beside the school heading home. "Guess Aimee wanted to get home as quickly as I did." He thought to himself, as he didn't see any of his usual friends outside waiting. "That was certainly some crazy shit but, I'm glad." He continued to walk, crossing a street and turning a corner now and again. He finally arrived home, quickly unlocking the door, kicking off his shoes and walking to his room. He immediately slid off his grey polo, as required by school policy, and replaced it with a tan t-shirt.

            He plopped down on his bed, opening his laptop and opening Skype. If Aimee had left before him, she'd surly be on before him, he thought. And sure enough, there was the group calling him. Matt slipped on his headset and answered it. "Hellooo." He said. "Heeeey Matt", replied Aimee, the only one in the call who lived near him. "Hiya Matt", added Marc, their good friend who lived in Canada. "Aye Mattyboy", Alex said finally. "What goes on?" Matt asked, "I realized you wanted to get home as quick as I did, Aimee, haha." "Yeah, I didn't even want a chance to see them, that'd be so awkward." "You mean Eric and Bella?" Alex asked. "What happened?" Aimee could only reply with a small sigh and "It's a loooong story." Matt decided to start explaining the last days events within their friend group, as Alex had been absent most of the previous day. "So pretty much, what happened was, I "accidentally" found out Bella's Skype information? And found out that she and Eric had been essentially plotting to turn Austin against Aimee? And Bella was also badmouthing her, like terribly, it was really fucking ridiculous. So I told Aimee, she didn't believe me at first, so I gave her the Skype information, and long story short, both Eric and Bella are not who they pretend to be, and are really terrible people. But, I got the best revenge I could, cause not even Austin wants anything to do with Eric's lies, so they're stuck with just each other. Only downside is, Eric and Bella kinda still go to our school? So it's really awkward but, we won so, no big deal." Matt paused while Alex processed the information. "I didn't even know her that long but, I could tell something wasn't right." They finally said after listening to the story. Aimee started talking after, "I couldn't tell, and we were supposed to be "best friends". Aimee was still noticeably upset over it, but the situation had essentially blown over. "Whatever, I'm just wanting this thing to update so I can beat shit up on Mabi.", Matt said, sounding a little annoyed. "Oh, you're going to keep playing?" Marc asked, knowing that Eric had deleted his only character. "Yeah, I am. I can't let that shitlord have the last laugh." "Well, you're just in time for the new Alban Knights Training." "Sounds cool, I'll give it a go with you guys once I'm on." So Matt finally logged on, and the group of four played and joked the night away. 

        Finally, at around 1 PM, things settled down and everyone decided to end the call and go to bed. Matt was decently tired, still exhausted from the amount of arguing that had gone on the day before. "Thank god all that ridiculous, petty shit it over.. As if Eric could actually best me.." He played over their victory again and again in his head, typing brief descriptions of the events in the memo section of his phone, before eventually drifting to sleep. But just as soon as he'd fallen asleep, he woke up. Laying on cold stone, he jerked awake. Startled by, whatever it was before him. It was a circular stone platform, a huge one, apparently hovering in nothing.  The entirety of it, whatever dream world he was in, was purple. He didn't look around much, though, as his eyes were focused on the large throne floating in the middle, with a familiar character sitting on it. Matt simply stared for a moment before whispering to himself. "I knew I blew through Mirai Nikki too fast, here I am dreaming about it, hilarious.." He quickly realized, though, that he had much more control than usual. "W-Wait a second, my dreams are never.. Deus ex Machina?.." He looked up to the face of the figure before him, it was pure white and slender as it came forward, almost like a skull helmet. "If you know my name, then you know why you are here." The figure known as Deus ex Machina said in a loud but calm voice. "This, isn't possible.." Matt said, shaking his head a little, looking at the ground. "This isn't real, you're not real..!" Matt tried not to panic, which wasn't working well. "Even in fiction, I am god of time and space." Deus started to explain, "Would it not be possible for a god with such power to move dimensions as such?" "Fuck, no way.. So you're saying I'm?-" Matt was cut off by Deus "Yes, you are one of the players, and I have come to introduce you. And give you a brief description of the diary you hold." Matt picked up his phone, checking the memo section. 

           "This, is your diary. It, like all diaries, can tell the future. Yours is a unique one though, even as far as diaries go. The Truth Diary, as I will call it." Deus continued, answering Matt's question before he could ask. "It tells of future events that, you simply cannot stop. Diaries are meant to change depending on choices made by diary owners but, this one is a special case. I pray you use it effectively." At this point, Matt was just staring in awe at his phone. "Good luck, Matt. You know the rules, I'm sure. But I'll go over them at the first meeting of the Survival Game. Rest well." Matt quickly sat up, now in his bed, panting slightly. He quickly grabbed his phone and checked the memo, which was now titled "Truth Diary", to which there was only one entry. "I will go to the first Survival Game meeting today." The entry is was dated for August 1st at 8:00 AM. Six hours from now.

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