Lets Talk! You Bastard

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skelterSun: hEy
skelterSun: its mE
callistosCraters: so they're connecting you @tm, i should be your server
skelterSun: oh
skelterSun: thats cool
callistosCraters: you chosen @ we@pon yet? kind@ import@nt!
skelterSun: wEll
skelterSun: lantErnkinD. was sorta stuck with it beforE.
skelterSun: whats yours again? somEthing to do with sycthEs was it?
callistosCraters: i use scythes, ye@h. my lusus t@ught me how to wield one
skelterSun: thats cool. my lusus slEEps a lot and thats about it.
callistosCraters: you know, for somebody im @bout to grow very close to in this g@me, i know b@rely @nything @bout you
skelterSun: i guEss thE samE thing apliEs to you. wEll, thErEs not a lot to know about mE, but ask away!
callistosCraters: ok. first off, why the fuck do you use l@nterns
skelterSun: wEll. you sEE. its a yEllow thing.
skelterSun: i rEally likE lights.
callistosCraters: @s @ we@pon though?
skelterSun: also!
skelterSun: thEy arE candlEs
skelterSun: and yEs as a wEapon
skelterSun: candlEs can comE in a mEtal form
callistosCraters: i suppose you dont h@ve to feed yourself, then
skelterSun: what DoEs that mEan!?
callistosCraters: it me@ns you prob@bly h@ve your me@ls served to you on @ silver pl@te, whilst i h@ve to hunt for it
skelterSun: i can proviDE for mysElf!
skelterSun: watch mE!
callistosCraters: ye@h, your body l@ngu@ge the other d@y just scre@med independent
skelterSun: i was lost! it mEans nothing!
callistosCraters: wh@t w@s the very first thing you s@id to me, @g@in? something @bout serv@nts, @nd how useless they were being?
skelterSun: wEll i cant Do EvErything arounD that placE. plus thEy should fEEl privilEgED to bE in my castlE!
callistosCraters: privileged? to be @round @nd work for you? th@t's @ l@ugh
skelterSun: yEah wEll your facE is a laugh!
skelterSun: now i thought you wErE asking qEstions, not bragging on mE
callistosCraters: how m@ny serv@nts do you h@ve working for you? genuine question
skelterSun: wEll thErEs only fivE of thEm now
skelterSun: natural causEs is a harD thing to stavE off
callistosCraters: @nd wh@t's their blood c@ste? below mine id s@y
skelterSun: wEll somE brown somE rED
skelterSun: my yEllow diEd off a fEw wEEks ago
skelterSun: baD timing too
callistosCraters: do you even know their n@mes
skelterSun: yEs. how ElsE would i call thEm?
skelterSun: hEy ranDom! ovEr hErE! wrong ranDom.
callistosCraters: well th@ts @ blessing
callistosCraters: @ @ny r@te, itd be interesting to see how well you do in @ fighting g@me
skelterSun: wEll im not in it for thE fighting
skelterSun: im in it for thE friEnDs
skelterSun: i try to bE nicE but all thE lowblooDs are afraid of mE
skelterSun: plus thEyrE dropping off fastEr thEn i can say byE
callistosCraters: do you h@ve @nything to g@in from being condescending or do you just enjoy being @ douche
callistosCraters: we do h@ve @ lower life expect@ncy, th@t much is true
skelterSun: i was bEing conDEscEnDing? wEll soooooorry!
skelterSun: i sEE what you mEan
callistosCraters: its quite @lright, youre prob@bly used to it
callistosCraters: but tre@t me like @ serv@nt or sl@ve ever, @nd i will not hesit@te to cut your h@nds off
callistosCraters: @remus, its been nice t@lking to you

//callistosCraters disconnected

skelterSun: wEll
skelterSun: whatEvEr

//skelterSun disconnected

It did have colour according to their blood, but it disappeared.

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