Maia - The Non-Popular

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Maia's POV

As I'm walking to school I start going over in my head what I will say or do to anyone who speaks to me. Well, if anyone speaks to me. I wasn't very popular at my old school so I'm not guessing I will be here. I'm used to hiding in the shadows and only ever getting the occasional muttering of 'Sorry' if someone bangs into me.
I keep walking until I reach West Gate High. The gates tower over like soldiers as students walk through them. I stumble a bit as I walk through the gates feeling like they could collapse any moment. Once I make it through the gates safely I heave a large sigh. One monster down 16 000 more to go. I check my watch to see that I have 5 minutes to get to class.
"Crap!" I mumble furiously.
I quickly race through the halls muttering sorry to everyone I bump. I run and run and run. But obviously the stars are conspiring against me.
"Urgh.." I groan.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there." Says a sweet voice.
I look up to see a boy. But not any boy. Probably the hottest boy in history. His short cut brown hair blowing in the breeze, his dazzling blue eyes resting under his perfectly shaped eyebrows. He picks all my books up as I stare intently at his gorgeous face. Then he holds out his hand for me. I take it cautiously hoping I'm not holding to softly or tightly.
"Are you new?" He questions with a bright smile.
"Uh. Um. Yeah." I stutter nervously going shy. I look down at my shoes hoping I'm not making a complete fool of myself. Well, that's what usually happens.
"Cool. Do you know what class you have first?" He asks with that billion dollar smile.
"Um. I have Hi... Hist... Um. History. I have History." I say awkwardly.
"Ok. Cool. I can show you where it is. If you want?" He says kindly.
"Uh. Yeah, Thanks." I continue.
He starts walking and signals for me to follow him. We walk beside each other waiting for someone to start the conversation. And it ain't going to be me.
"Sorry. I didn't introduce myself properly." "I'm Noah." He adds.
"Oh. Yes, of course. I'm Maia." I reply.
He nods and then continues walking. We kept walking for a bit until he stopped in front of a door.
"This is you." He says quietly like he doesn't want the moment to end.
I mumble Thank you then hurry inside.
I sit at my seat admiring how great this school is.

Hope u like This part!
Next part coming soon!
Bellz xoxo

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